
港股异动 | 内房股早盘回暖 多地相继跟进落实地产政策调整 房地产基本面预期有望改善

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Domestic housing stocks are picking up in early trading, and many places are following up and implementing real estate policy adjustments, and real estate fundamentals are expected to improve

Zhitong Finance ·  May 22 10:27

Domestic housing stocks picked up in early trading. As of press release, China Overseas Hongyang Group (00081) rose 6.07% to HK$2.27; Shimao Group (00813) rose 6.67% to HK$1.28; Xuhui Holdings (00884) rose 3.09% to HK$0.5; and Vanke Enterprise (02202) rose 4.15% to HK$7.03.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that domestic housing stocks picked up in early trading. As of press release, China Overseas Hongyang Group (00081) rose 6.07% to HK$2.27; Shimao Group (00813) rose 6.67% to HK$1.28; Xuhui Holdings (00884) rose 3.09% to HK$0.5; and Vanke Enterprise (02202) rose 4.15% to HK$7.03.

According to the news, since the central bank's new policy was released on May 17, many places have followed up and implemented adjustments in down payment ratios, mortgage interest rates, etc. Some banks in Wuhan implemented 15% of the first down payment, and interest rates for the first home loan were reduced from 3.55% to 3.25%; the down payment ratio for the first and second home in Changsha was 15% and 25%, and the interest rate for the first and second home loans was reduced to 3.65% and 3.95%. Analysts said that down payment ratios and mortgage interest rates will be lowered one after another, and it is expected that the down payment ratio in all second-tier cities may be lowered to 15%.

Guotai Junan Securities released a research report saying that the policies currently in place will help improve fundamental expectations of real estate, and follow up on the use of financial instruments and the progress of local “trade-in.” Huaxi Securities analysts said that the real estate policy is currently in a continuous easing phase from top to bottom, and the real estate market is expected to recover with the release of major favorable policies.

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