

Tian Huajun, director of the Energy Storage Battery Materials and Application Technology Research Institute at North China Electric Power University, said that it is expected that by the end of this year, a pilot production line for kiloton sodium-ion ene

Zhitong Finance ·  May 22 08:48
Tian Huajun, director of the Energy Storage Battery Materials and Application Technology Research Institute at North China Electric Power University, said that it is expected that by the end of this year, a pilot production line for kiloton sodium-ion energy storage batteries will be successfully completed, forming an enterprise production capacity. At that time, the cost advantage of sodium-ion energy storage batteries will be revealed, and the cost of large-scale production can be reduced by half. Sodium-ion batteries can maintain a good state of charge and discharge at extremely low temperatures of minus 30 degrees Celsius, and are safer than traditional lithium batteries. They have good application prospects in the construction of large-scale energy storage power plants at high latitudes and high altitudes.

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