
华住集团-S(1179.HK):开店显著加速超预期 淡季盈利能力维持高位

Huazhu Group-S (1179.HK): Store opening significantly accelerated and profitability remained high in the off-season, exceeding expectations

中信建投證券 ·  May 21  · Researches

Core views

2024Q1 achieved revenue of 5.278 billion yuan, +17.8% year over year, excluding DH of 4.25 billion yuan, +18.1%, all exceeding previous guidelines; adjusted EBITDA was 1,421 billion yuan, +37.8% year over year, of which Legacy-Huazhu was 1,487 billion yuan, +31.7%, and DH was -0.66 billion yuan (23Q1 was -98 million yuan). Legacy-Huazhu's operating margin was 26.6%, +3.8pct. Although Q1 was an off-season, profitability was still strong. The 24Q1 company's main store and same-store RevPAR were +3.1%/0.9%, respectively. The retaliatory rebound in demand in the first quarter of last year made the price base high, but the company's occupancy rate continued to recover. At the same time, overall store data benefited from the ADR and structure of new stores affected the year-on-year increase in housing prices, and remained at the leading level.

24Q1 had a net opening of 423 companies, the highest in the past 16 quarters, and Q1 was usually not the peak season for opening stores, and the showroom situation exceeded expectations. At the same time, the number of pipelines was 3,172, compared to +74, and the number of contracts increased at the same time. It is expected that it will not be difficult to complete this year's 1800 store opening target, and the leading market share increase logic is obvious.


The company announced its results for the first quarter of 2024:2024Q1 achieved revenue of 5.278 billion yuan, +17.8% year-on-year, excluding DH of 4.25 billion yuan, +18.1%, and DH of 1.03 billion yuan, +16.6%. Net profit to mother was 659 million yuan, and adjusted net profit to mother was 771 million yuan, +101% (Q4 was 517 million, +49% month-on-month). The net operating cash inflow for 24Q1 was 886 million yuan. As of the end of the quarter, cash and equivalents totaled $5.9 billion.

Brief review

Domestic profit margins showed strong performance, and overseas plans continued to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Previously, the company's 24Q1 overall revenue/revenue without DH was +12-16%/+11% to 15% year-on-year, respectively, and continued to exceed expectations this quarter. Among them, Legacy-Huazhu directly managed 2.11 billion yuan, +4.6%, and joined 2.04 billion yuan, +32.9%. According to the calculation of turnover, its franchise take rate was 12.8%, a further increase of +0.49pct over the previous month, and the charging capacity of its own system continued to increase and lead. The company added net foreign exchange income (loss) and sales investment income (loss) to better reflect the core business situation. In the first quarter, the company adjusted EBITDA of 1,421 billion yuan, +37.8% year over year, of which Legacy-Huazhu was 1,487 billion yuan, +31.7%, DH was -0.66 billion yuan (23Q1 was -98 million yuan, Q4 was -06 billion), reflected in domestic operating leverage, which doubled the net profit to the mother. Legacy-Huazhu's operating profit margin was 26.6%, +3.8pct, setting a new high in the Q1 off-season. The sales+management expenses ratio was 13.05%, +1.1 pct. After liberalization, the gradual increase in expenses became normal. The overseas portion is still losing money, and the company will continue to reduce costs and improve efficiency, and plans to switch to a lighter asset model. The company expects Q2 revenue +7% to 11%, excluding DH +7% to 11%.

The operating indicators for the first quarter continued to grow under last year's high base. The overall OCC/ADR/RevPar contribution of the 2024Q1 company was 77.2% /280 yuan/216 yuan, respectively, compared with 2019Q1-3.4pct/ +26.7%/+21.3%, and 2023Q1+1.6pct/ +1%/+3.1% (vs First Travel RevPar +0.1%, Jinjiang Limited Service -1.55%). 2024Q1's same-store OCC/ADR/RevPar was 23q1+1.1pct/ -0.6%/+0.9% (vs First Travel RevPar -1.9%, Jinjiang Limited Service -3.38%). Among them, the OCC/ADR/RevPar was +1pct/ -0.6% /+0.7pct compared to the same period last year, while the mid-range and high-end were +1.3 pct/ -0.7%/+1%, respectively. The price base was high due to a retaliatory rebound in demand in the first quarter of last year, but the company's occupancy rate continued to recover. At the same time, overall store data benefited from the year-on-year increase in housing prices due to the ADR and structure of new stores, and remained at the leading level.

Store openings increased at the same time. Exhibit capacity fully reflects the Matthew effect. Excluding DH in 2024Q1, a total of 569 stores were closed, and 421 were net. In addition, DH had a net increase of 2. The company's net sales volume in the first quarter was the highest in nearly 16 quarters, and Q1 was usually not the peak season for opening stores, and the exhibition situation exceeded expectations. At the same time, the number of pipelines was 3,172, compared to +74, and the number of contracts increased at the same time, and did not decline due to store openings. The company's goal of opening 1,800 stores this year is not expected to be very difficult. The net opening of the Chinese and Hanting stores was +146, and the full season was +194. The two major core brands continued to expand, and the medium to high-end +43 companies were also steadily accelerating. As of Q1, the total number of hotels in the company reached 9817 (including DH133), and it is expected to exceed 10,000 stores in the middle of the year. The logic of increasing the market share of the leading market share is obvious.

Profit forecast and investment suggestions: Considering the adjustment project update, we expect the company to achieve adjusted net profit of 46.07/55.97/6.682 billion yuan in 2024-2026, corresponding PE of 21/18/15 times, respectively, to maintain an increase in holdings rating.

Risk analysis

1. Changes in the macro environment have affected business travel demand to a certain extent: demand for hotel business travel is directly related to the degree of economic prosperity. If the macro environment is relatively weak, business travel demand will also fall, putting pressure on the hotel industry's occupancy rate, which will further spread to housing prices; 2. The slow recovery of franchisees' confidence in opening stores after the pandemic has fallen short of expectations: due to the obvious impact on the hotel industry in the early stages, it may cause franchisees to be cautious in the short term, and the motivation to open stores is insufficient, which in turn causes the company's expansion rate to fall short of the expected risk; 3. Mid-range and high-end competition trends in the hotel market: high-end The competition area for hotels is fierce, and the sinking market is gradually improving the quality of hotels. If there is a risk of hotel positioning, it may affect overall brand recognition.

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