
Arqit Quantum(ARQQ.US):2024年H1财报实现营收11.9万美元,前值为1.9万美元;每股收益为-0.29美元,前值为-0.17美元。

Arqit Quantum (ARQQ.US): The 2024 H1 financial report achieved revenue of $119 million, with a previous value of $19,000; earnings per share were -0.29 dollars, and the previous value was -0.17 dollars.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 20 20:20
Arqit Quantum (ARQQ.US): The 2024 H1 financial report achieved revenue of $119 million, with a previous value of $19,000; earnings per share were -0.29 dollars, and the previous value was -0.17 dollars.

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