
中国通号(03969.HK):中标轨道交通市场重要项目 中标金额总计29.79亿元

China Express (03969.HK): Won the bid for important projects in the rail transit market with a total bid amount of 2,979 billion yuan

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 20 17:05

Gelonghui, May 20, 丨 China Express (03969.HK) announced that from March to April 2024, the company won bids for a total of seven important projects in the rail transit market, including five important projects in the railway market, namely the construction of the MXSD-2 section project for the construction of a railway “three electricity” system integration between the port of Maribaya and the West Mangdu mining area in Guinea, with a bid amount of RMB 1.245 billion; the construction of a new railway signal and train operation control system procurement project from Maribaya Port to Ximangdu mining area in Guinea was built, with a bid amount of RMB 512 billion; High-speed railway (Hubei section) “four-power” project HWRD project won the bid amount of RMB 430 million; the construction of the Beijing-Hong Kong high-speed railway's Jiujiang-Nanchang section of the “four electricity”, housing construction and related construction general contract CJRD section project, with a bid amount of RMB 362 million; the construction of the “three power” and pipeline relocation project for the Zhuhai-Jiangmen section of the Zhuhai-Zhaoqing high-speed rail line project, won the bid amount of RMB 104 million; won the bid amount of RMB 104 million; won the bid amount for two important projects in the urban rail transit market, respectively, the Shenyang Line 3 1 Installation of special communication and automatic ticket sales and inspection systems for phase projects The winning bid amount for the project was RMB 172 million; the Shenzhen Metro Line 5 West Extension Project and the Signal System Equipment Procurement Project for the Line 16 Phase II Project won the bid amount of RMB 153 million.

The total bid amount for the above projects was approximately RMB 2,979 million, accounting for about 8.05% of the company's audited operating income in 2023 under China's accounting standards.

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