
港股异动 | 正道集团(01188)盘中涨超50% iAuto助力高合汽车重组 仰融或重返汽车行业

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Zhengdao Group (01188) rose more than 50% in the intraday period, iAuto helps Gaohe Auto restructure Yangrong or return to the automotive industry

Zhitong Finance ·  May 20 15:03

Zhengdao Group (01188) rose more than 50% in the intraday period. As of press release, it was up 36.84% to HK$0.026, with a turnover of HK$8.752,800.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Zhengdao Group (01188) had an intraday increase of more than 50%. As of press release, it had risen 36.84% to HK$0.026, with a turnover of HK$8.752,800.

According to the news, according to a report by the Financial Federation, China Express, the parent company of Gaohe Auto, has reached a comprehensive strategic cooperation with iAuto Group. iAuto Group will support various restructuring of Gaohe Automobile to resume work and resume production, and resume normal operation of the brand. Meanwhile, Interface News reports that Chinese Express, the parent company of Gaohe Auto, issued an internal announcement regarding the working group during the company's restructuring period and decided to establish a restructuring working group and a joint operation working group.

It is worth noting that in September 2023, Zhengdao Group issued an announcement announcing the signing of a memorandum of understanding with iAuto. iAuto plans to grant exclusive management rights to Zhengdao Group in Asia to use iAuto's multiple patented technologies, and the ultimate beneficial owner of iAuto is Yang Rong, Chairman of Zhengdao Group Corporation and the company's single largest shareholder. Some market sources explained that Yangrong is expected to take this opportunity to return to the automobile industry.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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