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Guosheng Securities: Investment in railway informatization is expected to accelerate under the wave of large-scale equipment upgrades

Zhitong Finance ·  May 19 16:27
The smart finance app learned that Guosheng Securities released a research report saying that the large-scale equipment renewal cycle for railway rail transit is approaching, overall fixed asset investment has ushered in a turning point, and industry sentiment is expected to accelerate year by year. Under the wave of railway modernization, investment in information technology is an important trend, and the investment value will be concentrated in segments closely related to technological innovation and application expansion, such as intelligent equipment and operation and maintenance, technological innovation, and technological integration such as 5G+ big data+artificial intelligence. Recommended attention: Jiaxun Feihong (300213.SZ) (railway command and dispatch system/dedicated communication), China Express (688009.SH) (high-speed maglev operation control system/signal system), Huihuang Technology (002296.SZ) (train operation control system/automatic ticket sales and inspection system), mind control (603508.SH) (train operation control system), etc.

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