
EPRINT集团(01884)斥资1450万港元进一步认购鼎盛投资股份 持股增至77.5%

EPRINT Group (01884) spent HK$14.5 million to further subscribe for Dingsheng Investment shares and increase its shareholding to 77.5%

Zhitong Finance ·  May 17 18:17

EPRINT Group (01884) announced that the relevant boss network and Zheng Xiaomin set up a joint venture to invest in Dingsheng on 20...

Zhitong Finance App News, EPRINT Group (01884) announced that Boss Network and Zheng Xiaomin set up a joint venture Dingsheng Investment. On May 17, 2024, Boss Network, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, signed an application to subscribe Dingsheng Investment 290,000 new shares at a cost of HK$14.5 million, accounting for 72.5% of the issued share capital after Dingsheng Investment expanded, while Zheng Xiaomin and Ma Nuoqin have each signed applications to subscribe for 60,000 new shares and 10,000 new shares of Dingsheng Investment at a cost of HK$3 million and HK$500,000 respectively, each accounting for the issued share capital after the expansion of Dingsheng Investment 15.0% and 2.5%.

On the same day, Boss Network signed shareholder agreements with Zheng Xiaomin, Ma Nuoqin and Dingsheng Investment. The shareholder agreement sets out the rights and responsibilities of Dingsheng Investment shareholders and will take effect after the capital injection is completed.

Immediately before the capital injection, Dingsheng Investment held 50.0% and 50.0% of the interests of Boss Network and Zheng Xiaomin respectively. After the capital injection was completed, Dingsheng Investment held 77.5%, 20.0% and 2.5% of the interests of Boss Network, Zheng Xiaomin and Ma Nuoqin respectively. Dingsheng Investment became a non-wholly-owned subsidiary of the company.

According to the announcement, Dingsheng Group is mainly engaged in providing yacht financing in Hong Kong. The capital injection will enable the company to consolidate its control over Dingsheng Group and also provide Dingsheng Group with additional financial resources to seize more business and seize potential market opportunities. It is expected that through the organic growth of Dingsheng Group's business, it will provide a stable source of revenue and return for the company in the long run.

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