
多部委酝酿推出房地产“重大举措” 地产产业链或成市场最强主线

A number of ministries and departments are planning to launch a “major initiative” for real estate, and the real estate industry chain may become the strongest main line in the market ·  May 17 08:08

① According to Caixin reports, the real estate industry continues to decline, and policies and measures aimed at digesting the stock of real estate and optimizing incremental housing are being prepared. The scope of “insurance handover” rescue may be further expanded, and discussions are under way to buy existing housing. ② Guotai Junan Securities pointed out that the recent intensive implementation of policies has helped repair market expectations and led to an increase in market trading activity.

According to Caixin reports, the real estate industry continues to decline, and policies and measures aimed at digesting the stock of real estate and optimizing incremental housing are being prepared. The reporter confirmed from various sources that on the morning of May 17, the State Council will organize a conference on real estate work. At that time, it may announce measures related to the real estate sector. Relevant leaders from the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Housing, Urban-Rural Development, the State Financial Supervision and Administration, the Ministry of Finance, local governments, and heads of large financial institutions such as state-owned banks will all attend the conference. Various ministries, departments and agencies, such as the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the General Financial Supervisory Authority, and major state-owned banks, have drawn key personnel in their respective real estate fields and set up joint working groups; the scope of “building insurance” bailouts may be further expanded, and the acquisition of existing housing stocks is under discussion.

Since the end of April, property market optimization policies in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu, Nanjing and other places have been intensively “updated”. With the support of a series of policies, indicators such as activity and transaction volume of real estate markets in many places have further warmed up. Guotai Junan Securities pointed out that under the influence of the policy, it is expected that the gradual increase in market confidence will lead to stable sales, while the land market will usher in adjustments in the scale, pace, and direction of supply in many places. Looking at the sales market, the recent intensive implementation of policies has helped repair market expectations and led to an increase in market trading activity.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Poly Development is a listed real estate company controlled by China Poly Group, a large central enterprise. It has maintained the number one central enterprise in the real estate industry for 15 consecutive years, and has formed a business sector layout focusing on real estate investment and development, with comprehensive services and real estate finance as the wing.

China Merchants Shekou is the flagship enterprise in the comprehensive urban development and operation sector under the China Merchants Group. In 2023, it achieved a total contracted sales area of 12.2341 million square meters, with a contract sales amount of 293,635 billion yuan, ranking fifth in the country.

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