
中望软件(688083.SH)实控人杜玉林完成增持 共增持6.74万股

Du Yulin, the actual controller of Zhongwang Software (688083.SH), completed a total increase of 67,400 shares

Zhitong Finance ·  May 16 22:29

Zhongwang Software (688083.SH) announced that Du Yulin, the company's controlling shareholder, actual controller, director, chairman and general manager...

According to the announcement by Zhongwang Software (688083.SH) on the Smart Finance app, Du Yulin, the company's controlling shareholder, actual controller, director, chairman and general manager, completed the shareholding of the company. Between February 3, 2024 and May 16, 2024, he accumulated 67,400 shares of the company through bidding trading, with a total shareholding of 5.0165 million yuan (excluding trading fees).

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