
港股异动 | 中国建筑国际(03311)盘中涨超6% 公司盈利能力优异 有望受益于湾区融合提速

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Construction International (03311) rose more than 6% intraday, and the company's excellent profitability is expected to benefit from accelerated integration in the Bay Area

Zhitong Finance ·  May 16 15:46

China Construction International (03311) rose more than 6% in the intraday period. As of press release, it was up 5.11% to HK$10.08, with a turnover of HK$116 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that China Construction International (03311) rose more than 6% in the intraday period. As of press release, it had risen 5.11% to HK$10.08, with a turnover of HK$116 million.

According to Guosheng Securities Research and Development, China Construction International is the only Hong Kong and Macau construction business platform under China Construction Group. Since 2008, it has entered the mainland market to develop investment projects such as BT and PPP, and the share of mainland revenue/performance has continued to increase. In recent years, despite macroeconomic disturbances and declining real estate, etc., it has maintained steady growth. Management resilience is strong, and indicators such as comprehensive gross profit margin and net interest rate are significantly superior to other leading construction central state-owned enterprises, and its profitability is excellent.

According to the bank, the integration of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao has continued to accelerate in recent years, driving an upward trend in demand for connectivity infrastructure. In 2023, about 675.8 billion yuan of major projects in Guangdong Province will be invested in the Greater Bay Area. In April 2021, Hong Kong proposed a development strategy for the northern metropolitan area, and released the “Action Plan” in October 2023. It plans to vigorously develop the northern metropolitan area within the next 10-20 years. It is expected to contribute HK$3 trillion in investment. It is expected that more than 500,000 new residential units will be added, and demand for housing construction will continue to be strong. The company is a leading engineering leader in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. The market share in Hong Kong is about 15%, and Macau's market share exceeds 50% for three consecutive years. The leading position is prominent. In the future, as the integration of the Bay Area accelerates and engineering demand rises, the company's regional orders are expected to continue to increase.

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