
港股异动 | 洛阳钼业(03993)AH股均跌超5% 公司称埃珂森对冲交易策略风险完全可控

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Luoyang Molybdenum Industry (03993) AH shares all fell by more than 5%. The company said that the risk of Exxon's hedging trading strategy is completely manageable

Zhitong Finance ·  May 16 14:14

5/16,$CMOC (03993.HK)$AH shares all fell by more than 5%. As of press release, they were down 5.40% to HK$7.89, with a turnover of HK$640 million.

Market source: Futubull
Market source: Futubull

According to the news, it was recently reported that commodity trader Torque and IXM, a trading company owned by Luoyang Molybdenum, hold a large number of short positions in the COMEX copper market and are seeking physical copper deliveries. In response, the Luoyang Molybdenum Industry public account issued a clarification statement in the afternoon, stating that the hedging trading strategy of international trading companies buying in one market and selling the same amount in another market is common practice in the industry. Currently, there are high premiums for copper products in the US COMEX market. As a global commodity trading company, it is beneficial to carry out physical transactions in this market. Exxon's hedging trading strategy is different from simple speculation; the risk is completely manageable.

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