
A股异动 | 沃尔核材涨超7% 首季沃尔新能源营收同比增37%

A-share changes | Wall Nuclear Materials rose more than 7%, and Wall New Energy's revenue increased 37% year-on-year in the first quarter

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 16 13:24
Glonghui, May 16 | Wall Nuclear Materials (002130.SZ) rallied more than 7% to 1.45 billion yuan, with a total market value of 18.3 billion yuan. The company achieved revenue of 157.9085 million yuan (unaudited) in the first quarter, an increase of 37.48% over the previous year; among them, sales of charging gun products accounted for more than half of its overall revenue. Furthermore, at present, the company has achieved stable mass production of 400G and 800G high-speed communication lines.

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