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The Beijing Low Altitude Economy and Industry Development Alliance was established, and the trillion-dollar low-altitude market is expected to gradually arrive ·  May 16 08:01

① The Beijing Fengtai District Low Altitude Economy Industry Innovation Conference was held on May 15. At the conference site, the establishment of the Beijing Low Altitude Economy and Industry Development Alliance was announced. ② Zheshang Securities pointed out that compared to the previous round of the low-altitude economy, there were major breakthroughs at various levels such as policy and industry. The industry is in the accelerated implementation stage, and the trillion dollar market is expected to gradually arrive.

The Beijing Fengtai District Low Altitude Economy Industry Innovation Conference was held on May 15. At the conference site, the establishment of the Beijing Low Altitude Economy and Industry Development Alliance was announced. Companies in the Fengtai area, China Express and Traffic Control Technology are promoting the establishment of a low-altitude control research center, focusing on developing a low-altitude control platform integrating multiple functions such as “Sky Gaode,” “Aerial Traffic Light,” and “Air Safety Control” to strengthen the top-level design of the low-altitude economy. According to the relevant person in charge of Fengtai District, the aim is that by 2025, Fengtai District will gather no less than 200 core enterprises, with an output value of more than 100 billion yuan.

The application scenarios for China's low-altitude economy are becoming more and more abundant, and the development space is extremely broad. Shenzhen, Guangdong, completed a demonstration flight on the world's first cross-sea cross-city electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (eVTOL) route. It only took 20 minutes to “fly” from Shenzhen to Zhuhai; in Mianyang, Sichuan, drones became a “new agricultural machine” for wheat field spring management, greatly improving field management efficiency; and Wuhu, Anhui, has gathered about 200 upstream and downstream enterprises in the general aviation industry chain. Since this year, low-altitude economies in various regions have been booming and receiving widespread attention. Zheshang Securities pointed out that compared to the previous round of the low-altitude economy, there were major breakthroughs at various levels such as policy and industry. The industry is in the accelerated implementation stage, and the trillion dollar market is expected to gradually arrive. I am optimistic about the three major aspects of low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude services, and low-altitude operation.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Wanan Technology provides line control products for autonomous driving of commercial vehicles and subframe products for flying cars. The company supplied subframe products to a well-known domestic flying car company.

The rapid development of Guanglian Aviation's drone, EVTOL and other businesses has benefited from the company's industrial expansion in the field of composite product molding applications, which can meet the needs of customers from initial product process preparation to batch delivery of complete aircraft structures. The company has now taken on the development of aircraft structural parts such as flying cars from some manufacturers.

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