
前日に動いた銘柄 part2 アルファ、日本電子材料、新家工業など

Brands that moved the day before part 2 Alpha, Nippon Electronic Materials, Shinke Kogyo, etc.

Fisco Japan ·  May 16, 2024 06:32

<コード>Stock name closing price on the 15th ⇒ compared to the previous day

Nippon Rietech <1938> 1173 -147

The regular profit growth rate is expected to slow down this fiscal year.

Tadano <6395> 1151.5 -104

There is also caution, such as sluggish European sales in the first quarter.

Sharp <6753> 799.3 -70.1

Disgusted by the large deficit recorded in the fourth quarter.

Frontier Management <7038> 1262 -178

I'm disgusted with the financial results of the drastic decline in current account profit for the first quarter.

Konica Minolta <4902> 493.8 -48.8

Guidance on a drastic decline in operating profit for the current fiscal year was viewed negatively.

Ebara Corporation <6361> 11990 -1170

There is also negative perception of poor progress in the precision and electronics business.

FIG<4392> 336 -35

Earnings declined drastically in the first quarter.

Sanrio <8136> 2500 -309.5

The profit rate is expected to slow down this fiscal year, and there is also a sense of exhaustion.

Link and Motivation <2170> 448 -43

First-quarter results fell short of market expectations.

Alfresa <2784> 2098.5 -226

Market expectations fluctuated due to a 2-digit decline in current account profit for the January-March fiscal year.

Toho Zinc <5707> 898-100

Earnings for the previous fiscal year were in deficit more than expected.

Tatsumo <6266> 3750 -420

Market expectations were poor despite the current account surplus for the first quarter.

Mitsui E&S <7003> 1536 -145

The current fiscal year is in the form of forecasting a decrease in sales and profit.

Rakuten Group <4755> 792.1 -25.8

The operating deficit for the first quarter was slightly above the consensus level.

SMC<6273> 79590 -2900

Negative view of the downturn in the previous fiscal year.

Alpha <4760> 3055 +502

The money game continues as usual.

Japan Electronic Materials (6855) 3425 +501

Evaluate the forecast for a significant increase in profit for the current fiscal year and the mid-term budget.

Shinke Kogyo <7305> 4475 +700

Plans to drastically increase dividends for this fiscal year are viewed positively.

Tokai Lease <9761 > 1695 +300

The outlook for a drastic increase in dividends this fiscal year is viewed positively.

Nippon Seimitsu <7771> 103 +26

The final profit forecast for the previous fiscal year was revised upward.

Shirai Electrons<6658> 604 +68

Continuing from the previous fiscal year, we are planning to increase dividends this fiscal year as well.

Kuramoto Seisakusho <5216> 328 +76

The trend continues to be based on favorable financial results for the first quarter.

ICE CO<7698> 2304 +253

The mid-term plan and the establishment of new shareholder benefit programs will continue to be viewed as materials.

Almedio [7859] 726 -150

The forecast for a drastic decline in current account profit for the current fiscal year was viewed negatively.

F&M <4771> 1751 -500

Ordinary income for the previous fiscal year completely fell into decline.

Hiramatsu <2764> 220 -52

There will be a current account deficit for the fiscal year ending January-March.

Avar Data <6918> 4560 -1000

I'm disgusted with the forecast of a drastic decrease in profit and dividends for the current fiscal year.

Japan Business Systems <5036> 1119 -248

The final profit and loss forecast was revised downward.

Nireko <6863> 1524 -331

Current profit and dividends are expected to decline this fiscal year.

Minato HD <6862> 862 -197

Guidance on drastic profit declines this fiscal year.

Nakanofudo <1827> 527 -96

I'm disgusted with the forecast for a decline in current account profit for the current fiscal year.

Namura Shipbuilding <7014> 1741 -266

The forecast for a final decline in profit for the current fiscal year was viewed negatively.

Okamoto Koki <6125> 5100 -710

The forecast for a drastic decline in profit for the current fiscal year was viewed as negative.

Stem Cell Laboratory<7096> 1830 -1

First delivery will be carried out in the mid-term of the fiscal year ending 25/3.

Finatext<4419> 983 +68

Operating profit forecast for the fiscal year ending 25/3 was 3.3 times higher, and the previous fiscal year turned into a surplus.

Yapuri <4168> 798 -68

Operating profit for the first quarter was 2.6 times higher, making it popular on the 14th. Sales are ahead of schedule on the 15th.

Microwave Chemistry <9227> 1290 +92

The 75-day line has recovered, and expectations are high.

Amiya <4258> 2108 -202

Operating profit for the first quarter increased 38.5% and stopped high on the 14th. Sales are ahead of schedule on the 15th.

Combano <6574> 1384 +300

The year-to-date high price was updated with the remaining momentum of stoppage highs for 2 consecutive days until the 14th.

Flare <7062> 1117 +150

Operating profit forecast for the fiscal year ending 25/3 increased by 81.2%. I also like the medium-term management plan.

Adventure <6030> 4005 +15

It stopped high on the 14th due to the announcement of a share repurchase with an upper limit of 10.63% of the number of issued shares. Sales are ahead of schedule on the 15th.

Cover <5253> 1886 -109

It became popular on the 14th due to preparations to apply for a classification change to Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime. Sales advantage on the 15th.

STG<5858> 2051 -214

Operating profit for the fiscal year ending 25/3 increased 26.8%, making it popular on the 14th. Sales advantage on the 15th.

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