
'Running Out Of Money': AI Firms That Took Bold Bets May Need To Sell

'Running Out Of Money': AI Firms That Took Bold Bets May Need To Sell

Benzinga ·  05/15 02:31

A fresh wave of M&A is coming for the artificial intelligence (AI) industry.


That's because consolidation is the most likely way to exit in the AI space, with a few exceptions such as Astera Labs' (NASDAQ:ALAB) recent initial public offering.

這是因爲整合是人工智能領域最有可能退出的方式,只有少數例外,例如Astera Labs(納斯達克股票代碼:ALAB)最近的首次公開募股。

"A lot of companies took a lot of very risky bets, a lot of them are running out of money," said Hugging Face co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Clem Delangue according to Bloomberg.

據彭博社報道,Hugging Face聯合創始人兼首席執行官克萊姆·德蘭格說:“許多公司下了很多非常冒險的賭注,其中很多都沒錢了。”

See Also: OpenAI Top Exec Says It's Too Early To Gauge AI's Full Economic Impact: 'We've A Year To Reshape The Economy? That's A Tall Order'

另請參閱: OpenAI 高管表示,現在評估人工智能的全部經濟影響還爲時過早:“我們有一年的時間來重塑經濟?這是一項艱鉅的任務'

AI technology still lacks widespread use scenarios — not ideal for startups hoping to turn a profit in the near term. Larger companies are now absorbing those early-stage companies that cannot guarantee consistent cash flow.


When operating costs due to developing AI technology are priced in, firms with limited cash balances are burning through their funds to keep afloat.


The spike in M&A activity comes as Benzinga gears up for a virtual AI summit on May 30. The event will include Qualcomm Inc's (NASDAQ:QCOM) COO and CFO Akash Palkhiwala, as well as several top venture capital (VC) investors in the space. Registration for "AI Unleashed: Exploring the Possibilities" is free.

併購活動激增之際,Benzinga正在爲5月30日的虛擬人工智能峯會做準備。該活動將包括高通公司(納斯達克股票代碼:QCOM)首席運營官兼首席財務官阿卡什·帕爾基瓦拉,以及該領域的幾位頂級風險投資(VC)投資者。免費註冊 “AI Unleashed:探索可能性”。

For larger companies, like Microsoft-backed Open AI, mass adoption of their most recent models appears closer down the line.

對於像微軟支持的Open AI這樣的大型公司來說,他們最新模型的大規模採用似乎已接近尾聲。

On Monday, the Sam Altman-led company unveiled GPT-4o. The latest model can now communicate via images and voice, as well as text.


The model could have immediate applications for businesses and individuals looking for a more natural interface with AI assistants.


Other companies are raising significant amounts of cash, like Mistral AI's $6 billion raise last week.

其他公司正在籌集大量現金,例如Mistral AI上週籌集的60億美元。

But many others are selling to companies looking for purchasing opportunities and have more direct access to capital.


So far this year, the amount of capital spent in M&A has already surpassed that of 2023, with 104 deals worth north of $35 billion.


The figure, however, continues to lag behind what venture capital spent in the sector. Investment by VC firms topped the $50 billion in 2023, according to Crunchbase. OpenAI, Anthropic and Inflection AI, were some of the companies that took more than $1 billion each last year.

但是,這一數字仍然落後於該行業的風險資本支出。根據Crunchbase的數據,風險投資公司的投資在2023年突破了500億美元。OpenAI、Anthropic和Inflection AI是去年各收入超過10億美元的公司之一。

Now Read: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Seems To Be On The Same Page With Elon Musk About One Thing — To Ensure 'Reasonable Safety' In AI Era Via Strong Regulation

現在閱讀: OpenAI 首席執行官山姆·奧特曼似乎與埃隆·馬斯克在一件事上意見一致——通過強有力的監管確保人工智能時代的 “合理安全”



