
港股异动 | 中烟香港(06055)再涨超6% 中国卷烟及雪茄出口量价齐升 长城雪茄加速出海

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Tobacco Hong Kong (06055) rose more than 6%, China's cigarette and cigar exports soared, and Great Wall Cigars went overseas at an accelerated pace

Zhitong Finance ·  May 14 11:04

The Zhitong Finance App learned that China Tobacco Hong Kong (06055) rose more than 6% in early trading. As of press release, it had risen 6.2% to HK$13.02, with a turnover of HK$27.3251 million.

According to data from China's General Administration of Customs, from January to February 2024, China's cigarette (tobacco cigarettes) export value was US$21.783 million, up 33.5% year on year; export volume was 2.0 billion sticks, up 12.0% year on year, and the average export price rose 19.2% year on year; in 2023, China's cigar export value was US$2,081 million, up 856.7% year on year; export volume was 6.793 million, up 79.4% year on year; average export price increased 433.4% year on year.

Furthermore, on April 8, China Tobacco Hong Kong and Sichuan China Tobacco signed the “Great Wall” Cigar Strategic Cooperation Memorandum. The two sides will give full play to their respective advantages, explore cooperation models such as overseas brand licensing and overseas production licensing, and promote the rapid development of “Great Wall” cigar products in overseas markets. At the same time, the company broke through the cigarette export area to the global market and further expanded the scale of its cigarette export business.

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