
プログリット Research Memo(11):主に「組織体制」「環境」の在り方を通じて、SDGs経営を推進

PROGRIT Research Memo (11): Promoting SDGs management mainly through the “organizational structure” and “environment”

Fisco Japan ·  May 13 13:11

■SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Initiatives

PROGRIT <9560> promotes SDGs management mainly through the “organizational structure” and “environment.” As an “organizational structure,” 72% of employees and 35% of managers are women, so we are working to improve the working environment for employees, such as building a system where women can work comfortably. In the 2023/8 fiscal year, an environment is provided to support the continued activities of young employees, such as achieving a 100% childcare leave acquisition rate for both men and women. Also, as a general rule, consultants are hired as full-time employees so that employees can build long-term careers with greater peace of mind. Regarding the “environment,” almost all teaching materials necessary for learning English have been applied, and activities are being carried out to reduce environmental impact by promoting the digitization of internal documents such as meeting materials and approval requests, working to reduce paper consumption.

In addition, I thought it would be effective to have not only a domestic but also an international perspective from when I was a student, so I cooperated with Ritsumeikan University and ASICS <7936> to start the “Ritsumeikan Global Athlete Program” in 2022/11. As an initiative derived from thoughts when it was founded, it is helping to train global athletes who will shoulder the Japanese sports world in the future.

(Author: FISCO Analyst Tomokazu Murase)

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