
港股异动 | 中航科工(02357)再涨超5% 各地有望陆续出台支持低空经济发展配套政策

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | AVIC (02357) rose more than 5%, and various regions are expected to introduce supporting policies to support low-altitude economic development

Zhitong Finance ·  May 13 11:07

China Aviation Technology (02357) rose more than 5%. As of press release, it had risen 5.32% to HK$3.96, with a turnover of HK$456.937 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that China Aviation Technology (02357) rose by more than 5%. As of press release, it had risen 5.32% to HK$3.96, with a turnover of HK$456.937 million.

Guosheng Securities pointed out that in March 2024, the low-altitude economy was officially included in the 2024 government work report. According to 2024 statistics, 18 provinces/municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous regions included the low-altitude economy in government work reports. It is expected that in 2024, various regions will successively introduce supporting policies to support low-altitude economic development, and industry development is expected to accelerate. The scale of China's low-altitude economy will reach 505.95 billion yuan in 2023, and the scale of the low-altitude economy is expected to reach 1064.46 billion yuan by 2026. Among them, the eVTOL track market is expected to reach 9.5 billion yuan in 2026, which is expected to expand low-altitude economic application scenarios.

According to reports, AVIC is deeply involved in the low-altitude economy and works with subsidiaries to drive the development of the low-altitude economy. Zhongzhi Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the company, is the main force with the largest scale, highest output value, and most complete product range in the domestic helicopter manufacturing industry. The company's helicopter products are more compatible with the civilian market, and it has completed coverage of a full range of ultra-light, light, medium and large helicopters. At the same time, the company is entering the H-eVTOL field. The long-term commercial space may be better than comparable companies in the industry, and it is expected to accelerate development in the next few years.

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