
港股异动 | 中国水务(00855)逆市涨超13% 广州拟调升自来水价格 公司可受惠于全国水价普调趋势

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Water (00855) rebounded the market and rose more than 13% Guangzhou plans to raise tap water prices. Companies can benefit from the general trend of water prices across the country

Zhitong Finance ·  May 13 09:55

China Water (00855) reversed the market and rose more than 13%. As of press release, it rose 13.38% to HK$5.93, with a turnover of HK$446.03 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that China Water (00855) reversed the market by more than 13%. As of press release, it had risen 13.38% to HK$5.93, with a turnover of HK$446.03 million.

According to the news, according to information released by Guangzhou, a hearing on the tap water price reform plan in central Guangzhou was held on the afternoon of May 9. The hearing proposed two sets of tap water price adjustment plans for hearing. The main difference is that residents and non-residents share the increase in water supply prices. Staff at the Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission office responded that the water price reform is still in the hearing stage, and the details need to be consulted with the Price Management Office.

China Thai International previously released a research report saying that the new “Infrastructure and Utility Franchise Management Measures” law previously issued by six ministries and commissions including the Development and Reform Commission provides policy support to local governments and can promote the granting of more tap water projects to private enterprises in the long term. Based on the principle of user self-payment, future sewage pricing will be more marketable, providing room for a large increase in water prices. The bank said that China's water services can benefit from the general trend of water prices across the country.

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