

Individual Investor Gyokusuke Limited: Data center related stocks are expected to continue to be popular! What are stocks that Ima is paying attention to? [FISCO Social Reporter]

Fisco Japan ·  May 12 09:00

Below is a comment written by FISCO Social Reporter's individual investor “Tamasuke Limited” (blog: Profitable Stock Information “Cat Husband's Stock Knows No Ceiling”). FISCO is working to disseminate more diverse information to investors by cooperating with individuals who actively disseminate information.


※Written at 14:00 on 2024/5/6

Coupled with the depreciation of the yen, foreign IT companies are announcing huge investments in Japanese data centers one after another. In the stock market, where conditions have deteriorated due to US interest rates, etc., I would like to keep a close eye on when this favorable material is factored into stock prices, or whether it has already been factored in...

Once again, my name is Kyusuke Limited, and I'm writing the stock & cat blog “Profitable Stock Information “Cat Husband's Stock Knows No Ceiling”.

There seems to be a government cloud (government cloud) behind the fact that foreign investors are making such data center-related capital investments in Japan. The Digital Agency is working hard to build IT infrastructure so that local governments around the country can reduce costs and standardize services.

Famous companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, and Google have announced their investments in Japan. In the opinion of experts, there seems to be skepticism about whether utilizing the cloud of foreign-affiliated companies will lead to cost reductions for local governments nationwide, but in the sense that the Japanese government, starting with the Digital Agency, will attract investment, it is something that should be welcomed as an investor.

In addition to that, as has been said before, investment in data centers is also becoming more active due to growing demand for AI. If many data centers are to be built in the future, it seems that all companies, from parts that make up data centers to maintenance and management, will have doubts. I would like to continue to follow news related to Government Cloud.

Although recent market prices are still unreassuring, there is also an impression that they have gotten used to the high level of volatility. Even so, it wasn't such a crash that it was named the ◯◯ shock. If the Nikkei Average crosses above the 25-day line and the 75-day line, will it shift to a bullish mood... Well, this time, I'm going to check out data center-related topics that are becoming even more heated.

The first thing you can't miss is Sakura Internet <3778>, which was introduced when it was certified as a “cloud service for government cloud development” last year. There is also speculation about subsidies from the government related to the government cloud, and it is expected that the fiscal year ending 25/3 will hit a record high. Broadband Tower (3776), which also operates data centers, has improved its performance due to recent financial results, and we are closely monitoring whether it will become popular even if it is late.

Tokei Densan (4746), which handles network and cloud services at data centers, is also closely watched even after financial results were announced on 5/7 with a solid chart. iNet (9600), a major independent data center company, is also doing well. While the most recent chart (daily chart) is soft, will it hit bottom and turn back? There is also a possibility that short-term funds will flow in due to reports of new data center construction.

Freebit (3843), whose upward revision on April 23 was well received, has speculations about IoT infrastructure network construction, including 5G, and its performance is also at a record high level of profit. The chart (daily chart) is calm, and PER is also being monitored at a low price.

They also introduced it in August last year. Similar to FreeBit, the chart of Seiko Electric Works (6653), which handles electrical installations and infrastructure networks for power receiving and substation equipment, switchgear, etc. is also rising steadily against the backdrop of strong performance. If you look at places where there is still no sense of overheating in stock prices, will they still chase the rise?

<135A >Starting with its most recent IPO, VRAIN Solution provides systems and DX consulting using AI to the manufacturing industry. The company, which is being searched as AI-related, received sales while the financial results on 4/15 were strong, and it is moving in the bottom price range. I also feel that selling pressure on high-tech growth stocks, not limited to the company, is abnormal, so there seems to be a possibility that they can be picked up at bargain prices.

Finally, in addition to MVNOs and GPS management, FIG (4392) is attracting attention as being related to AI, drones, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment. It surpassed the high price of 372 yen in November last year and is on an upward trend. There are plenty of themes, and performance is strong, so we are monitoring how far lower prices are rounded up.

Well, I've been talking a bit long, but my blog introduces such “individual stocks and theme stocks that are strong now.” If you have free time, please take a look. We look forward to seeing you with our beloved cat “Al.”


Author's name: Gyokusuke Kotei

Blog name: Cat Husband's Stock Knows No Ceiling

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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