

Accolane (300816.SZ): Currently undergoing preliminary research on national seven standards and continuing research and development of hydrogen fuel cell catalysts, PEM electrolyzed water catalysts, and methanol reforming hydrogen production systems

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 11 16:02

Gelonghui, May 11, 丨 Aikolan (300816.SZ) held a performance briefing on May 10, 2024. Regarding “The company's R&D investment in 2023 has declined compared to 2022. Will this affect the company's future technological innovation and product development? What is the company's long-term plan for R&D investment?” The company replied that the reason for the decline in R&D investment in 23 compared to the previous year was that both non-four-stage R&D and second-stage ship research and development were successful in previous years. The 23 years were mainly optimization work. The company is currently carrying out preliminary research on national seven standards and continuing to promote research and development of hydrogen fuel cell catalysts, PEM electrolyzed water catalysts, and methanol reforming hydrogen production systems. Currently, hydrogen fuel cell proton exchange membrane catalysts have completed pilot testing.

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