
港股异动 | 中国通号(03969)午后涨超7% 线路改造升级需求有望加速释放 低空经济业务或成新增长极

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Express (03969) rose more than 7% in the afternoon, demand for line renovation and upgrading is expected to accelerate the release of low-altitude economy businesses or become a new growth pole

Zhitong Finance ·  May 10 14:28

China Connect (03969) rose more than 7% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 6.98% to HK$3.37, with a turnover of HK$774.67 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that China Connect (03969) rose more than 7% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 6.98% to HK$3.37, with a turnover of HK$774.67 million.

Southwest Securities pointed out that railway-related equipment is currently in a replacement cycle, in line with the pace proposed by the Central Committee on Finance and Economics meeting to promote large-scale equipment upgrades. Bidding and procurement of related equipment upgrades is expected to accelerate, and demand for subsequent line renovation and upgrading is expected to be released at an accelerated pace. The company is the only domestic enterprise integrating design, equipment and construction of rail traffic signal communication systems. Subsequent related upgrading and transformation requirements are expected to bring new flexibility to the company's business.

Galaxy Securities, on the other hand, pointed out that China Pass, as a national team in the field of intelligent traffic control, has a technical extension foundation in low-altitude airspace management. At present, the company has established Tonghao Low Altitude Economy (Hefei) Technology Co., Ltd., started all-round cooperation with Hefei City on key elements such as technology, capital, platforms and standards, and signed a “track+low altitude” strategic cooperation agreement with Suzhou Rail Group. As one of the new directions for the company's future business expansion, the low-altitude economy is expected to become a new growth pole.

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