
港股异动 | 新世界发展(00017)午后涨超5% 将携手招商蛇口发展粉岭北新发展区目前最大型商住项目

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | New World Development (00017) rose more than 5% in the afternoon and will join hands with China Merchants Shekou to develop the largest commercial and residential project in the Fanling North New Development Zone

Zhitong Finance ·  May 10 13:45

New World Development (00017) rose more than 5% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 5.33% to HK$9.28, with a turnover of HK$121 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that New World Development (00017) rose more than 5% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 5.33% to HK$9.28, with a turnover of HK$121 million.

According to the news, on May 7, New World Development announced that New World Development Co., Ltd. and China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd. announced the signing of the “Northern Metropolitan Area Fanling North Project Cooperation Agreement” to jointly develop the largest commercial and residential project in the Fanling North New Development Area, which is expected to provide no less than 2,000 residential units. Construction is expected to begin early next year, in line with the development of port business districts and emerging industry bases, etc., to create synergy with Xintian Science and Technology City's innovation and technology industry.

According to information, the commercial and residential project jointly developed by New World Development and China Merchants Shekou is located in the Fanling North New Development Zone, covering an area of about 150,000 square feet. The location is close to the mature new town of Fanling/Sheung Shui. It has railway advantages, perfect transportation facilities, and complete commercial utilities. The total floor area can be built is over 1 million square feet, including a commercial floor area of over 180,000 square feet.

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