
International Medical Corps Deploys Field Hospital in Times of Need With Support From FedEx

International Medical Corps Deploys Field Hospital in Times of Need With Support From FedEx

Accesswire ·  05/10 03:40

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 9, 2024 / From helping contain Ebola outbreaks in Africa to serving displaced persons in conflict zones, International Medical Corps responds to crises all over the world. One of the ways we provide support in these situations is through the deployment of a modularized field hospital.

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024年5月9日/從幫助遏制非洲埃博拉疫情到爲衝突地區的流離失所者提供服務,國際醫療隊應對世界各地的危機。在這種情況下,我們提供支持的方法之一是部署模塊化的野戰醫院。

Depending on the configuration, our field hospital enables International Medical Corps to deliver lifesaving care to up to 800 patients a day. These efforts would not be possible without the essential support of FedEx.


In 2016, FedEx generously offered to warehouse our field hospital, and a team of experts helped modularize it, enabling customization for different types of emergencies. FedEx also played an instrumental role when International Medical Corps became the first NGO worldwide to be classified by the World Health Organization as an Emergency Medical Team (EMT) Type 1 in 2021. This classification means that we meet the highest standards when deploying and operating a fixed health facility or mobile medical unit in the aftermath of a disaster.

2016 年,聯邦快遞慷慨地提議爲我們的野戰醫院提供倉庫,專家團隊幫助實現了模塊化,從而能夠針對不同類型的緊急情況進行定製。當國際醫療隊在2021年成爲全球第一個被世界衛生組織歸類爲第一類緊急醫療隊(EMT)的非政府組織時,聯邦快遞也發揮了重要作用。這種分類意味着我們在災難發生後部署和運營固定醫療機構或流動醫療單位時符合最高標準。

More recently, International Medical Corps decided to deploy a field hospital in response to a crisis and quickly alerted FedEx. Immediately, the FedEx warehouse team staged 124 pallets for transport. "This significant undertaking showcased their commitment to swift and effective action, laying the foundation for the seamless deployment of the field hospital," explained Ronny Elfassy, Deputy Director of Emergency Response Operations and Preparedness. Going the extra mile, FedEx also completed all dangerous goods (DG) packaging and labeling for the shipment.


The FedEx team not only agreed to stage the pallets and to help prepare the DG packaging and labeling, but also to load trucks during pickup. "A process that normally should have taken three to five days was done over a weekend, demonstrating the willingness of FedEx to accommodate our urgent needs. Their commitment to expedite the timeline for this process is a testament to their exceptional dedication to our mission," said Ronny.

聯邦快遞團隊不僅同意存放托盤,幫助準備危險品包裝和標籤,還同意在提貨時裝載卡車。“通常本應花費三到五天的流程是在一個週末完成的,這表明聯邦快遞願意滿足我們的緊急需求。他們承諾加快這一過程的時間表,這證明了他們對我們使命的非凡奉獻精神,” 羅尼說。

With this assistance from FedEx, we were able to deploy a fully equipped and staffed field hospital covering more than 11,840 square feet and constructed with two 20-foot modular containers and 20 large tents. The field hospital also received the necessary equipment for an emergency room and inpatient care facilities, allowing our staff to provide comprehensive services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including: surgical care for trauma, physical rehabilitation, emergency obstetric and newborn care, advanced mental health services and more.

在聯邦快遞的幫助下,我們得以部署一所設備齊全、人員配備齊全的野戰醫院,佔地面積超過 11,840 平方英尺,由兩個 20 英尺的模塊化集裝箱和 20 個大型帳篷建成。野戰醫院還收到了急診室和住院護理設施所需的設備,使我們的工作人員能夠每週七天、每天24小時提供全面的服務,包括:創傷外科護理、物理康復、產科和新生兒緊急護理、先進的心理健康服務等。

The proactive and dedicated support of FedEx significantly contributes to the overall success of our missions, exemplifying the power of collaboration in times of need.


Authored by Caitlin Bartkus, International Medical Corps


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SOURCE: FedEx Corporation


