
The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation Chooses Lenovo For Supercomputer to Meet the Challenges of Global Warming

The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation Chooses Lenovo For Supercomputer to Meet the Challenges of Global Warming

聯想集團 ·  05/09 12:00

With Lenovo's new HPC system, the research center will be able to not only enhance and accelerate research activities, but also improve its operational efficiency by optimizing energy use to help achieve its rigorous sustainability goals.


Milan, May 9, 2024 – The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) in Lecce renews its collaboration with Lenovo for the installation of a powerful new HPC (High Performance Computing) system that will support climate change research by providing increased processing capabilities and optimizing energy use for the operation of the high-capacity computing infrastructure.

米蘭,2024 年 5 月 9 日 — 歐洲地中海氣候變化中心 位於萊切的CMCC)重申了與聯想的合作,以安裝強大的全新HPC(高性能計算)系統,該系統將通過提高處理能力和優化高容量計算基礎設施運行的能源使用來支持氣候變化研究。

"Cassandra", Lenovo's new HPC system that will be installed in Lecce, is composed of 180 SD650 V3 nodes with two Intel Xeon Max 9480 CPUs (Sapphire Rapids HBM) and can reach a processing power of 1.2 PetaFlops[1] peak, with a 100% increase compared to the solution currently in operation at CMCC.

聯想的新型 HPC 系統 “Cassandra” 將安裝在萊切,由 180 個 SD650 V3 節點和兩個 Intel Xeon Max 9480 CPU(Sapphire Rapids HBM)組成,處理能力可達到 1.2 PetaFLOPS[1] 峯值,與CMCC目前正在運行的解決方案相比,增長了100%。

Cassandra also ensures better energy efficiency, allowing electricity consumption for system cooling to be kept 15% lower than similar air-cooled solutions, with the use of Lenovo Neptune Direct Water-Cooling technology that is able to capture up to 98% of the heat produced by the supercomputer. Liquidcooling saves the energy used for the fans, and thanks to the increased efficiency, the temperature of the CPUs does not reach critical values, avoiding the reduction of the maximum frequency of the cores.


In addition, CMCC plans to integrate the system with a dedicated AI workload solution based on 2 nodes with 8 Nvidia H100 GPUs each. The installation of this system is planned for the second half of the year.

此外,CMCC計劃將該系統與專用的AI工作負載解決方案集成在一起,該解決方案基於2個節點,每個節點有8個Nvidia H100 GPU。計劃在下半年安裝該系統。

HPC to solve the challenges of climate change

HPC 將解決氣候變化的挑戰

Founded in 2005 with the financial support of the then MIUR, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Finance, the CMCC was born with the specific aim of carrying out studies and models of the climate system, ensuring reliable, timely and rigorous results useful for designing sustainable growth, protecting the environment and developing adaptation and mitigation policies based on knowledge Scientific.

成立於2005年,由當時的MIUR、環境部、農業和林業部和財政部提供財政支持, CMCC 誕生的具體目標是對氣候系統進行研究和建模,確保可靠、及時和嚴格的結果,這些結果有助於設計可持續增長、保護環境以及在科學知識基礎上制定適應和緩解政策。

Today, the CMCC is a global reference point for the integrated study of climate-related issues and is one of the few facilities in Europe dedicated exclusively to research on climate change and its interactions with society and economic systems. HPC systems are valuable tools for CMCC scientists, who have the task of processing, thanks to supercomputers, the data collected in the field to predict how the climate will change and what effects these changes will have on the planet and human activities.


On the new Cassandra supercomputer, climate simulation models of the earth system, the ocean, both global and regional seasonal forecasting systems, AI-based climate change applications will be executed.


A strong partnership


Lenovo's new supercomputer will be installed in 2024 at the CMCC Supercomputing Center (SCC), which has been active since 2008 and is currently the largest computing facility in Italy entirely dedicated to the study of climate change, as well as one of the most advanced in Europe. The Supercomputing Center already hosts an HPC system from Lenovo: "Juno, installed in 2022, which has a total computing power of approximately 1,134 TFlops and is based on Intel processors and NVIDIA GPUs.

聯想的新超級計算機將於2024年安裝在CMCC超級計算中心(SCC),該中心自2008年以來一直活躍,目前是意大利最大的專門研究氣候變化的計算設施,也是歐洲最先進的計算機設施之一。超級計算中心已經託管了聯想的高性能計算系統:“Juno安裝於2022年,其總計算能力約爲1,134 TFLOP,基於英特爾處理器和NVIDIA GPU。

The CMCC Supercomputing Centre (SCC) in Lecce, active since 2008, is one of the most advanced computing facilities in Europe dedicated exclusively to research on climate change and its interactions with society and economic systems (source:

"We are delighted with this renewed collaboration with CMCC, which today is a center of excellence in Europe for research on climate change, a crucial topic for our time and for future generations," said Alessandro de Bartolo, CEO and Country General Manager Infrastructure Solutions Group at Lenovo. "High-performance computing is a valuable tool to address the challenge of complexity in research institutes, laboratories but also in the enterprise because it makes calculations, analyses and simulations that were previously time-consuming and expensive accessible. Lenovo is the world's leading supplier of supercomputers and at the same time took the top spot in the Green500, the ranking that measures the energy efficiency of HPC systems. Our ambition is to constantly elevate the performance of supercomputers by ensuring that our HPC systems maintain sustainable energy consumption levels."

我們對與CMCC的重新合作感到高興。如今,CMCC已成爲歐洲卓越的氣候變化研究中心,這是我們這個時代和子孫後代的關鍵課題,” 聯想基礎設施解決方案集團首席執行官兼區域總經理亞歷山德羅·德·巴託洛說。“高性能計算是應對研究機構、實驗室乃至企業複雜性挑戰的寶貴工具,因爲它使以前耗時且昂貴的計算、分析和仿真變得可用。聯想是全球領先的超級計算機供應商,同時在衡量高性能計算系統能效的Green500排名中名列前茅。我們的目標是通過確保我們的HPC系統保持可持續的能耗水平,不斷提升超級計算機的性能。”

"Over the years, since the first installation of HPC systems at SCC, Lenovo has proven to be a very reliable technological partner by offering cutting-edge solutions, which have allowed CMCC researchers to obtain important results in climate simulations," notes Prof. Giovanni Aloisio, Director of the CMCC Supercomputing Center.

多年來,自從SCC首次安裝HPC系統以來,聯想通過提供尖端的解決方案已被證明是非常可靠的技術合作夥伴,這使CMCC的研究人員得以在氣候模擬中獲得重要結果,” CMC超級計算中心主任喬瓦尼·阿洛伊西奧教授指出。

The new supercomputer will be installed by Ricca IT, a Lenovo certified business partner, which over the years has gained significant experience in the HPC and AI fields, among the most recognized companies on the Italian scene.

新的超級計算機將由聯想認證的業務合作伙伴Ricca IT安裝,該公司多年來在高性能計算和人工智能領域積累了豐富的經驗,是意大利舞臺上最受認可的公司之一。

[1] A petaflop equals a thousand trillion calculations per second (a trillion is a million per third), where "peta" stands for 10 to 15 (10^15) while "flop" stands for floating point operations per second, i.e. the number of floating-point operations performed in one second.

[1] petaflop 等於每秒一千萬億次計算(一萬億次等於每三分之一百萬次計算),其中 “peta” 代表 10 到 15(10^15),而 “flop” 代表每秒浮點運算,即一秒鐘內執行的浮點運算次數。

