
港股异动 | 中国高速传动(00658)涨超13%领涨风电股 海风开工复苏趋势确定 行业景气改善在即

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China High Speed Transmission (00658) rose more than 13%, leading the wind power stock, the recovery trend of Seafeng construction, and the recovery trend confirms that the industry's boom is about to improve

Zhitong Finance ·  May 9 14:19

The Zhitong Finance App learned that wind power stocks continued their recent gains. As of press release, China High Speed Transmission (00658) rose 12.64% to HK$0.98; Longyuan Electric (00916) rose 5.67% to HK$6.15; Dongfang Electric (01072) rose 4.74% to HK$11.48; and Goldwind Technology (02208) rose 4.72% to HK$3.55.

Societe Generale Securities pointed out that tenders for the Guangdong Sea Wind Project continue to advance, and CGN has respectively initiated tenders for the 1000MW Seabreeze Project in Yangjiang, Guangdong, and the construction and safety project for the upper block of the Fanshiyi Offshore Booster Station and Reactive Power Compensation Station in Yangjiang, Guangdong. Short-term ocean wind construction is about to begin and recover. All provinces are competing to provide 145-year additional volume. State-controlled waters and deep-sea development have opened up new space for ocean wind growth. There is catalytic momentum in the short, medium, and long term, and industry valuations are expected to increase.

Guolian Securities previously released a research report stating that the first quarterly report was gradually disclosed. Subsequent catalytic savings in the first quarter were generally a low season for ocean breeze construction, and the overall performance of ocean wind companies in the first quarter was under pressure. With the gradual disclosure of the 24Q1 quarterly report, short-term risks or releases, the main future core catalysts are: the construction side is picking up; bidding is picking up; and Guangdong Haifeng's progress is marginal. Previously, the wind power sector was at a relative bottom in a phased manner. As deliveries and tenders began, industry sentiment was on the rise in reverse.

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