
自动驾驶热度攀升 行业有望迎技术突破与需求放量双重刺激

The popularity of autonomous driving is rising, and the industry is expected to be stimulated by both technological breakthroughs and demand volume ·  May 9 07:54

Debon Securities pointed out that in the context of continuous upgrading of autonomous driving technology, on the one hand, existing domestic high-level autonomous driving will break through to a higher level, and at the same time, some autonomous driving functions will also slow down and gradually become the “standard” for smart cars.

The popularity of the autonomous driving industry has risen sharply. The $1.05 billion Series C financing completed by the British artificial intelligence company Wayve became the largest financing for the autonomous driving industry this year, second only to the 2.5 billion US dollar new financing completed by Waymo, an autonomous driving company owned by Google in June 2021. It is worth mentioning that after Microsoft, Wayve is also attracting bets from the two heavyweight giants, SoftBank Group and Nvidia, in this round of financing.

Debon Securities pointed out that in the context of continuous upgrading of autonomous driving technology, on the one hand, existing domestic high-level autonomous driving will break through to a higher level, and at the same time, some autonomous driving functions will also slow down and gradually become the “standard” for smart cars. The enhancement of the “end-to-end capabilities of autonomous driving” is inseparable from high-speed transmission of information within the car. Intelligent connectivity hardware is the “nerve” of autonomous driving, and it is expected that it will also usher in a comprehensive upgrade in demand.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Yu Taiwei said that the promotion of FSD will greatly promote the rapid penetration of automotive Ethernet into the automotive industry and greatly increase the usage scenarios and usage of automotive Ethernet products in third-generation automotive applications with Ethernet as the backbone.

Weifeng Electronics said that the FSDV12 mainly uses AI to make real-time judgments on the video of the eight HW3 cameras to achieve autonomous driving. The high-speed camera product line and 4D millimeter-wave radar product line laid out by the company are all high-speed transmission connection solutions.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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