
【数据看盘】北向资金连续四日减仓中际旭创 游资、量化抢筹合成生物概念股

[Data review] Northbound Capital reduced its positions for the fourth day in a row, Zhongji Xuchuang's investment capital to quantitatively grab synthetic biology concept stocks ·  May 8 17:54

① The CPO concept stock Zhongji Xuchuang had a net sale of over 200 million dollars by Northbound Capital. The stock has been net sold for four consecutive trading days. ② Synthetic biology concept stocks Lu Kang Pharmaceutical, Rhine Biotech, and Guangji Pharmaceutical were bought by investment and quantitative seats. Among them, Lukang Pharmaceutical was bought by CITIC Securities's Xi'an Suzque Street Sales Department for more than 60 million.

The net sales of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Connect were significant today. Huichuan Technology had the highest net purchases and Ping An Bank had the highest net sales. In terms of the sector's main capital, the agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing sector has the highest net inflow of main capital. In terms of ETF transactions, the turnover of the Shanghai Composite Index ETF (510760) increased 123% month-on-month. In terms of futures positions, the number of long positions added to IM contracts is significantly greater than that of short positions. In terms of the Dragon Tiger List, Jiu'an Medical was bought by institutions for 134 million; Hubei Yihua received nearly 100 million yuan in institutional purchases; Zong Shen Power received more than 40 million yuan from institutions and was bought by CITIC Construction Investment's Beijing Guangqumennei Street Sales Department; San Baishuo was sold by institutions for more than 50 million; and Andaville was sold by institutions for more than 30 million yuan.

1. The top ten transactions of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Northbound Capital had net sales of 4,044 billion yuan throughout the day, of which Shanghai Stock Connect had net sales of 1,999 billion yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect had net sales of 2,045 billion yuan.

image Among the top ten transactions of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Connect markets, Huichuan Technology had the highest net purchases. In terms of purchases, Huichuan Technology had the highest net purchases. The stock has been net bought for 3 consecutive trading days; Hengrui Pharmaceuticals and Mindray Healthcare ranked second and third in net purchases.

In terms of net sales, Ping An Bank has the highest net sales. Guodian Nanrui and Zhongji Xuchuang's net sales are in second and third place respectively. Among them, Zhongji Xuchuang has been net sold for 4 consecutive trading days.

2. The main capital of individual stocks in the sector

Judging from sector performance, sectors such as cellular immunotherapy, synthetic biology, pork, and precious metals registered the highest gains, while sectors such as AI corpus, high-speed copper connectivity, mobile games, and Huawei Shengteng registered the highest declines.

image Judging from the capital monitoring data of the main sector, the agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing sector has the highest net inflow of capital from the main sector.

In terms of capital outflows from the sector, the computer sector has the highest net outflow of major capital.

image Judging from monitoring data on the main capital of individual stocks, the net inflow of main capital into the top ten individual stock sectors is quite chaotic, with Changan Automobile leading the net inflow.

Among the top ten individual stocks with major capital outflows, AI concept stocks had the largest net outflow of 360.

3. ETF Transactions

image Looking at the top ten ETFs by turnover, the top three are all ETFs related to the Hang Seng Index. Among them, the Hang Seng Internet ETF (513330) continues to rank first in terms of turnover; the gold ETF (518880) ranks tenth in terms of turnover.

image Looking at the top ten ETFs with a month-on-month increase in turnover, the Shanghai Composite Index ETF (510760) ranked first, with a 123% month-on-month increase in turnover, followed by a 95% month-on-month increase in turnover. In addition, two dividend ETFs ranked in the top ten; aquaculture ETF (159865) ranked seventh.

4. Futures Index Positions

image The four major contracts indicate that in the IH contract, both the long and short sides of the IH contract reduced their positions slightly; the long and short sides of the IF contract increased their positions slightly; the long and short sides of the IC contract increased their positions, and the number of positions added was basically the same; and both parties in the IM contract increased their positions, and the number of long and short positions was clearly greater than the number of short positions.

5. Dragon Tiger List

1. Agency

image The institutional activity of Dragon Tiger List is average. In terms of purchases, Jiu'an Medical received 134 million yuan from institutions; Hubei Yihua, a phosphorus chemical concept stock, received nearly 100 million yuan from institutions; and Zong Shen Dongli, a low-altitude economy concept stock, was bought by institutions for more than 40 million yuan.

In terms of sales, Sanbaishuo was sold by institutions for more than 50 million; Andarville, a low-altitude economy concept stock, was sold by institutions for more than 30 million.

2. Tourist capital

image First-tier tourism activity is average. Zong Shen Power was bought by CITIC Construction Investment's Beijing Guangqumennei Street Sales Department. The sales department bought 111 million of the shares yesterday; many synthetic biology concept stocks were bought by CITIC Securities. Among them, Lukang Pharmaceutical was bought by CITIC Securities's Xi'an Suzque Street Sales Department for more than 60 million yuan.

Quantitative capital activity is average. Rhine Biotech, a synthetic biology concept stock, received a quantitative seat purchase of more than 30 million dollars.

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