
中物联:4月份中国电商物流指数为113.2点 环比提高0.7点

China IoT: China's e-commerce logistics index in April was 113.2 points, up 0.7 points from month to month

Zhitong Finance ·  May 8 17:42

The China E-commerce Logistics Index for April 2024, which was jointly released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and Jingdong Group (09618), was 113.2 points, up 0.7 points from month to month, rising for two consecutive months.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on May 8, China's e-commerce logistics index for April 2024, jointly released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and JD Group (09618), was 113.2 points, up 0.7 points from the previous month, rising for two consecutive months. Among the sub-indices, the total business volume index, rural business volume index, logistics timeliness index, fulfillment rate index, satisfaction rate index, personnel index, and actual load rate index have improved, and the inventory turnover index and cost index have declined.

The full text is below:

The China E-commerce Logistics Index for April 2024, which was jointly released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and JD Group, was 113.2 points, up 0.7 points from month to month, rising for two consecutive months. Among the sub-indices, the total business volume index, rural business volume index, logistics timeliness index, fulfillment rate index, satisfaction rate index, personnel index, and actual load rate index have improved, and the inventory turnover index and cost index have declined.

The e-commerce logistics total business volume index continues to rise. In April, the total e-commerce logistics business volume index was 127.7 points, up 1.3 points from the previous month. By region, the total business volume index in the eastern, central and northeastern regions increased. The Northeast region saw the biggest increase, and the central region surpassed the national average.

The volume of e-commerce logistics business in rural areas has maintained rapid growth. In April, the rural e-commerce logistics business volume index was 127.9 points, an increase of 0.2 points over the previous month, and an increase of more than 25% over the same period last year. By region, the rural business volume index in the central and northeastern regions has improved, and the central region is higher than the national average.

The logistics timeliness index continued to rise and once again broke 100. In April, the logistics timeliness index was 101.2 points, 1.4 points higher than the previous month. It rose for 2 consecutive months and returned above 100 points after a lapse of 5 months. The company's supply timeliness and business volume showed a double growth situation, laying a good foundation for the e-commerce logistics market to start in the second quarter.

The inventory turnover index declined slightly, and the cost index continued to decline. In April, the inventory turnover index was 104.8 points, down 0.4 points from the previous month, and the decline narrowed markedly. The cost index fell 0.3 points from the previous month, falling 1.3 points cumulatively for 3 consecutive months, hitting an 11-month low, and the pressure on corporate costs has eased somewhat.

The compliance rate, actual load rate, personnel and satisfaction rate index have all increased. In April, driven by a continuous rise in demand, the supply capacity of enterprises was fully released, and the fulfillment rate, actual load rate, satisfaction rate, and personnel index increased by 0.6, 0.3, 0.2, and 0.5 points respectively.

The e-commerce demand side continued to pick up in April. The total business volume index and rural business volume index rose by 1.3 points and 0.2 points respectively, and the total business volume index returned above 127 points. Driven by demand, the actual load rate of supply-side enterprises has increased, operating costs have declined, and the cost index has declined continuously. The operating efficiency of the enterprise is stable, supply capacity reserves are sufficient, service efficiency is steadily improving, and various indices remain high. Overall, e-commerce logistics continued to improve steadily in April. The overall e-commerce logistics index broke through 113 points for the first time since December 2019, reaching a high of 113.2 points. Later, driven by the promotion of holiday travel and consumption policies in May, e-commerce logistics operations are expected to rise steadily.

This article was selected from the WeChat account of “China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing”; Zhitong Finance Editor: Huang Xiaodong.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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