
港股异动 | 中粮家佳康(01610)午后涨近4% 猪价连续4个月上涨 行业整体出现回暖

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | COFCO Jiajiakang (01610) rose nearly 4% in the afternoon, pig prices rose for 4 consecutive months, and the industry as a whole picked up

Zhitong Finance ·  May 8 13:35

COFCO Jiajiakang (01610) rose nearly 4% in the afternoon. As of press release, it rose 3.89% to HK$1.87, with a turnover of HK$34.993,500.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that COFCO Jiajiakang (01610) rose nearly 4% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 3.89% to HK$1.87, with a turnover of HK$34.993,500.

According to the news, many listed pig companies had “good news” in April. The average sales price of commercial pigs rose sequentially one after another, and the industry as a whole picked up. According to statistics from Interface News, in terms of the average sales price of commercial pigs, all eight listed companies, including Muyuan Co., Ltd., are rising month-on-month.

Pig market analysts at Zhuochuang News said that pig prices have been rising for 4 consecutive months since this year. On the one hand, because January and February are in the Spring Festival preparation period, prices have gradually strengthened, supported by improved demand. On the other hand, in March and April, pig prices rose due to farmers' bullish market demand for secondary fattening of pigs.

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