
美芯晟(688458)2024年一季报点评:Q1业绩承压 新品进展顺利

Meixinsheng (688458) 2024 Quarterly Report Review: Q1 performance is under pressure, new products are progressing smoothly

民生證券 ·  May 6

Incident: Maxinsheng released its 2024 quarterly report. Q1 achieved operating income of 94.6749 million yuan, an increase of 18.26% over the previous year, and net profit of 13.2639 million yuan to the mother.

Q1 Performance is under pressure, and high R&D erodes profit performance. Q1 achieved operating income of 94.6749 million yuan, up 18.26% year on year; gross profit margin of 21.99%, down 6.06 pct from month to month; net profit to mother of 13.2639 million yuan.

Revenue growth slowed year-on-year, and gross margin declined month-on-month. We believe that losses occurred mainly due to the impact of the off-season, such as LED drivers, etc., and due to the company's continued high investment in R&D, increasing the development of a full range of products for wireless charging, wired fast charging, and automotive lighting, and entering mass production, R&D technology investment and talent team building for optical sensing and vehicle grade products, eroding the company's profit performance.

The light-sensing series products continued to be mass-produced, and Q1 introduced a number of mobile phone customers. The company develops sensor products integrating digital-analog hybrid SoC chips, optical path design, package design, VCSEL, PD process, coating technology, and image processing technology across disciplines. Based on self-developed optoelectronic technology and coating technology, various optical sensors have been launched to achieve rapid signal chain layout and a wide range of applications. Specifically, signal chain product lines represented by optical sensing, such as in-ear detection sensors, narrow-slit three-in-one sensors, and the industry's first polarized light crown, have all been mass-produced. In the first quarter, the company's optical sensor product design entered many mobile phone customers and entered mass production and delivery, achieving sales revenue of 10.2762 million yuan.

Automotive electronics are highly collaborating with existing product lines and developing new CAN SBC chip products. The company uses rich and mature chip design and mass production experience in consumer and industrial application scenarios. On the one hand, the main layout is highly collaborative with existing consumer product lines, such as automotive wireless charging, automotive lighting, and rain/fog detection light sensing. In 2023, the vehicle wireless charging transmitter chip has passed the AEC-Q100 vehicle regulation certification and has been verified and tested at several car manufacturers. On the other hand, the company cooperated with leading new domestic car companies to develop system basic chips (CAN SBC chips) for automotive-grade applications. Currently, this field is monopolized by overseas manufacturers, and the overall R&D and testing of this product is progressing smoothly.

Investment advice: We expect the company's net profit to be 0.54/0.79/137 million yuan in 2024-26, corresponding to 60/42/24 times PE. We believe that the company has obvious competitiveness in the field of wireless charging chips, and has entered the optical sensing and CAN SBC blue ocean markets, and the growth path is clear. Maintain a “Recommended” rating.

Risk warning: risk of declining gross margin of LED lighting driver chips; risk of market expansion of wireless charging series products falling short of expectations; risk of deteriorating competitive landscape.

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