
港股异动 | 泡泡玛特(09992)再涨超4% 2月初至今实现翻倍 第一季度各项收入指标快速增长

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Bubble Mart (09992) rose more than 4% from the beginning of February to now, and achieved rapid growth in various revenue indicators in the first quarter

Zhitong Finance ·  May 7 10:18

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Bubble Mart (09992) has increased by more than 4%, and its stock price has doubled since the beginning of February. As of press release, it rose 4.37% to HK$37, with a turnover of HK$109 million.

According to the news, Bubble Mart previously announced the operating data for the first quarter of 2024: The company's overall revenue increased by 40%-45% year on year in 2024Q1. Among them, revenue in mainland China increased 20% to 25% year on year, and revenue from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas increased 245%-250% year on year.

Guotai Jun An pointed out that the company's various revenue indicators grew rapidly in 2024Q1, with good omni-channel performance in mainland China, strong revenue growth in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas regions, and a significant increase in profitability. The bank pointed out that the company achieved rapid recovery in 2023, retail stores and robot stores continued to expand, the share of offline channel revenue increased to 48%, and the Douyin platform's revenue growth rate in online channels exceeded 400%. In addition, the company increased its overseas layout and opened its first offline stores in countries such as France, Malaysia, and Thailand, and maintained a high increase in overseas revenue in 2024Q1.

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