
Record Breaking Atlantic Hurricane Season Looms - Are People Ready?

Record Breaking Atlantic Hurricane Season Looms - Are People Ready?

Generac ·  05/06 12:00

Generac Urges Americans to Prepare for Power Outages Early

Generac 敦促美國人儘早爲停電做準備

Recent Generac/Harris Poll survey provides insights into preparedness for widespread power outages*

最近的 Generac/Harris 民意調查提供了對大規模停電準備情況的見解*

  • 36% of Americans have medical devices powered by electricity that they or someone in their home use daily
  • More than half of Americans (52%) would only have enough food in their home for 1-2 days if there was a widespread power outage in their area
  • 77% of pet owners would risk their own comfort to stay home with pets during extended power outages
  • 36% 的美國人擁有由電力驅動的醫療器械,供他們或家中的某人每天使用
  • 如果他們所在地區發生大規模停電,超過一半的美國人(52%)家中只有足夠的食物供應 1-2 天
  • 在長時間停電期間,77% 的寵物主人會冒着自己的舒適風險與寵物待在家裏

WAUKESHA, Wis., May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Generac Power Systems (NYSE: GNRC), a leading global designer, manufacturer and provider of energy technology solutions and other power products, is urging homeowners across the East and Gulf Coasts to prepare now for power outages following predictions for this year to have an active hurricane season.

威斯康星州沃基沙,2024 年 5 月 6 日 /PRNewswire/-- Generac 電力系統 (NYSE: GNRC) 是全球領先的能源技術解決方案和其他電力產品的設計者、製造商和提供商,在預測今年的颶風季節將非常活躍之後,敦促東部和墨西哥灣沿岸的房主立即爲停電做好準備。

The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season threatens to be the strongest in recent years, according to Colorado State University's annual Atlantic hurricane season forecast. Twenty-three named storms are expected, eleven of which could become hurricanes, and five with the potential to reach major hurricane strength. This marks the highest ever outlook prediction the CSU team has issued since it began the forecasts in 1995.

據稱,2024年的大西洋颶風季節有可能成爲近年來最強的颶風季節 科羅拉多州立大學的年度大西洋颶風季節預測。預計將有23場命名的風暴,其中11場可能成爲颶風,還有5場有可能達到巨大的颶風強度。這是科羅拉多州立大學小組自1995年開始預測以來發布的最高展望預測。

A recent survey* commissioned by Generac and conducted by The Harris Poll illustrates that many Americans are not prepared for widespread power outages and are at risk for both their comfort and safety. More than half of Americans (52%) would only have enough food in their home for 1-2 days if there was a widespread extended outage in their area. 71% of Americans would be concerned with food spoilage if their home experienced an extended power outage, with half (50%) saying they would struggle financially to replace all of their perishable food lost due to an extended power outage. The survey data also revealed that 36% of Americans have medical devices powered by electricity that they or someone in their home use daily. Moreover, 77% of pet owners are willing to risk their own comfort to stay with their pets at home amidst extended power outages.


"This year's Atlantic hurricane season promises to be a dangerous one, and residents living in hurricane-prone areas need to take this season seriously," said Kyle Raabe, president of Consumer Power for Generac. "This year more than ever, making a plan that includes a source of backup power is a crucial step to keep your family and pets safe and comfortable during an extended power outage."


Given the alarming forecast, it's critical to prepare now for power outages caused by severe weather, which pose risks to safety and comfort. Making a plan that includes a backup power solution well ahead of time is essential. Generac offers an annual Hurricane Preparedness Guide to help homeowners prepare for the storm season.

鑑於這一令人震驚的預測,現在就爲惡劣天氣造成的停電做好準備至關重要,因爲惡劣天氣對安全和舒適構成威脅。提前制定包括備用電源解決方案的計劃至關重要。Generac 提供年度優惠 颶風防備指南 幫助房主爲風暴季節做準備。

From portable generators and home standby generators to solar energy storage systems, Generac offers a variety of energy solutions for every family and every home. To learn more about Generac's complete line of home backup power solutions, contact your local dealer or visit

來自 便攜式發電機家用備用發電機太陽能存儲系統,Generac 爲每個家庭和每個家庭提供各種能源解決方案。要了解有關 Generac 全系列家用備用電源解決方案的更多信息,請聯繫 您的當地經銷商 或者訪問

About Generac
Generac Power Systems (NYSE: GNRC) is a leading energy technology company that provides backup and prime power products and energy storage systems for home and business applications, as well as energy monitoring and management devices and services, along with other power products. Founded in 1959, Generac introduced the first affordable backup generator and later created the category of automatic home standby generator. The Company has continued to expand its energy technology offerings in its mission to lead the evolution to more resilient, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions.

關於 Generac
Generac Power Systems(紐約證券交易所代碼:GNRC)是一家領先的能源技術公司,爲家庭和商業應用提供備用和主用電源產品和儲能系統,以及能源監控和管理設備和服務以及其他電力產品。Generac 成立於 1959 年,推出了第一款經濟實惠的備用發電機,後來又創建了自動家用備用發電機類別。該公司繼續擴大其能源技術產品範圍,其使命是引領向更具彈性、更高效、更可持續的能源解決方案的發展。

*This survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Generac from April 18-22, 2024, among 2,094 U.S. adults ages 18 and older. The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data is accurate to within +/- 2.5 percentage points using a 95% confidence level. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact

*本次調查由哈里斯民意調查代表美國在線進行 Generac 2024 年 4 月 18 日至 22 日,在 2,094 名 18 歲及以上的美國成年人中。哈里斯在線民意調查的抽樣精度是使用貝葉斯可信區間來衡量的。在這項研究中,採用 95% 的置信水平,樣本數據的精確度在 +/-2.5 個百分點以內。如需完整的調查方法,包括加權變量和子組樣本量,請聯繫

Media Contact: Stephanie Rodgers | (262) 968-8252

媒體聯繫人:斯蒂芬妮·羅傑斯 | (262) 968-8252

SOURCE Generac Power Systems, Inc.

來源 Generac Power Systems, In

