
Revolutionary Learning App Brings AI 'Teachers' to Life, Preps Students for AP Exams

Revolutionary Learning App Brings AI 'Teachers' to Life, Preps Students for AP Exams

革命性學習應用程序讓 AI “教師” 變爲現實,讓學生爲 AP 考試做好準備
PR Newswire ·  05/06 19:47

AUSTIN, Texas, May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LearnWith.AI, an Austin-based EdTech startup, today announced the launch of TeachTap, a groundbreaking mobile app that harnesses the power of generative AI to transform the way high school students learn and prepare for AP exams. By combining the engaging, social media-style interface of TikTok with academically rigorous content, TeachTap aims to make learning more fun, efficient, and accessible than ever before.

德克薩斯州奧斯汀,2024 年 5 月 6 日 /PRNewswire/-- LearnWith.AI總部位於奧斯汀的教育科技初創公司今天宣佈推出 TeachT,一款開創性的移動應用程序,它利用生成式人工智能的力量來改變高中生學習和準備 AP 考試的方式。通過將 TikTok 引人入勝的社交媒體風格界面與嚴謹的學術內容相結合,TeachTap 旨在讓學習比以往任何時候都更有趣、更高效、更易於使用。

TeachTap uses AI to bring historical figures to life as AI-powered teachers, allowing students to learn about the Mongol Empire from Genghis Khan or dive into the laws of motion with Sir Isaac Newton. The app offers a personalized feed of entertaining and educational videos, images, questions, and memes aligned with the academic curriculum, ensuring that students remain engaged while mastering the material.

TeachTap 使用人工智能將歷史人物變爲現實,成爲由人工智能驅動的教師,讓學生能夠從成吉思汗那裏了解蒙古帝國,或者與艾薩克·牛頓爵士一起深入研究運動定律。該應用程序提供符合學術課程的個性化娛樂和教育視頻、圖片、問題和模因,確保學生在掌握材料的同時保持參與度。

"TeachTap is a game-changer for students preparing for AP exams," said Phil Hewinson, Chief Product Officer of TeachTap. "By combining the power of AI with an incredibly engaging user experience, we've created a learning tool that makes studying not only effective but also fun as well."


Key features of TeachTap include:

TeachTap 的主要功能包括:

  • Interactive lessons delivered by AI-powered historical figures
  • Personalized learning paths that adapt to each student's strengths and struggles
  • Social features that allow students to like, comment, and share
  • A "Test Prep Mode" designed specifically for efficient review and test prep
  • Comprehensive coverage of 9 popular AP courses, with more being added
  • 由人工智能驅動的歷史人物提供的互動課程
  • 適應每個學生的長處和困難的個性化學習路徑
  • 允許學生點贊、評論和分享的社交功能
  • 專爲高效複習和備考而設計的 “備考模式”
  • 全面報道 9 門熱門的 AP 課程,還會添加更多課程

TeachTap has already garnered praise from experts and students alike with hundreds of 5-star reviews and endorsements from major influencers like Dave Farina, the AP Chemistry expert behind the Ultimate Review Packet and "Professor Dave Explains". "TeachTap is not only smart, it's entertaining with a variety of content types and thousands of AI personalities," said Farina. "Everything is aligned to the relevant standards, and the AI learns about you as you go, so it knows how to guide you through the areas you need the most work on."

TeachTap已經獲得了專家和學生的一致好評,獲得了數百條五星評價和主要影響者的認可,例如終極評論包背後的美聯社化學專家戴夫·法里納和 “戴夫教授”。法里納說:“TeachTap不僅聰明,而且具有多種內容類型和成千上萬的人工智能人物來娛樂。”“一切都符合相關標準,人工智能會隨時了解你,因此它知道如何指導你完成最需要工作的領域。”

Pearson Edgington, a high school senior who piloted TeachTap, shared his experience: "TeachTap made studying for my AP exams actually fun and interesting. I was able to review an entire year's worth of material in about 10 hours, and I feel more confident than ever going into my tests."

試用TeachTap的高中生皮爾遜·埃金頓分享了他的經歷:“TeachTap讓我的AP考試學習變得既有趣又有趣。我能夠在大約 10 個小時內審查整整一年的材料,而且我比以往任何時候都更有信心參加考試。”

"We saw an opportunity to take the best of TikTok - its ability to capture and hold students' attention - and apply it to something truly meaningful: education," said Hewinson. "With TeachTap, we've created a new class of educational content that is both fun and academically rigorous, thanks to the power of generative AI and the expertise of our team."


TeachTap's AI-driven tutoring and test prep features set it apart from traditional study methods and expensive tutoring services. Students can receive real-time explanations, targeted practice based on missed questions, and instant grading for written essays, all at a fraction of the cost of expert-based AP tutoring, which can exceed $1,000 per course.

TeachTap 的人工智能驅動的輔導和備考功能使其與傳統的學習方法和昂貴的輔導服務區分開來。學生可以獲得實時解釋、根據漏題進行有針對性的練習,以及對書面論文的即時評分,所有這些費用僅爲基於專家的AP輔導費用的一小部分,每門課程的費用可能超過1,000美元。

LearnWith.AI recognizes the legitimate concerns surrounding the use of generative AI in education and has taken rigorous measures to address them. The company's team of academic experts, including accomplished teachers, researchers, and industry veterans, has developed a rigorous design and quality control process to ensure that TeachTap's content aligns with academic standards and includes appropriate safety guardrails.

LearnWith.AI 意識到在教育中使用生成式人工智能存在合理的擔憂,並已採取嚴格措施來解決這些問題。該公司的學術專家團隊,包括成就卓著的教師、研究人員和行業資深人士,已經制定了嚴格的設計和質量控制流程,以確保TeachTap的內容符合學術標準幷包括適當的安全護欄。

"We understand the apprehension around AI in education," said Niraj Patel, VP of AI Academics & Operations of TeachTap, "that's why we've invested in creating a responsible and trustworthy platform that parents and educators can feel confident about. Our goal is to unlock the potential of AI to enhance learning outcomes while prioritizing student safety and well-being."

“我們理解人們對教育領域人工智能的擔憂,” TeachTap人工智能學術與運營副總裁尼拉傑·帕特爾說,“這就是爲什麼我們投資創建一個家長和教育工作者可以放心的負責任和值得信賴的平台。我們的目標是釋放人工智能的潛力,以提高學習成果,同時優先考慮學生的安全和福祉。”

TeachTap is currently available for iOS devices in the Apple App Store, with plans to expand to other platforms in the future. The app offers the first unit of each course for free, allowing students to explore its benefits before unlocking the full course or upgrading to premium features.


LearnWith.AI is committed to academic outcomes and making the learning process more fun and efficient than ever before. With the launch of TeachTap, the company is poised to revolutionize the way students learn and prepare for their academic futures.

LearnWith.AI 致力於取得學術成果,讓學習過程比以往任何時候都更加有趣和高效。隨着TeachTap的推出,該公司有望徹底改變學生學習和爲學術未來做準備的方式。

To learn more about TeachTap or to download the app, visit .

要了解有關 TeachTap 的更多信息或下載該應用程序,請訪問 。

About LearnWith.AI
LearnWith.AI is an Austin-based EdTech startup passionate about harnessing technology to dramatically improve educational outcomes. Led by a seasoned team of experts from top tech companies and prestigious universities, LearnWith.AI is dedicated to creating innovative solutions that make learning more engaging, efficient, and enjoyable than ever.

關於 LearnWith.AI
LearnWith.AI 是一家總部位於奧斯汀的教育科技初創公司,熱衷於利用技術顯著改善教育成果。LearnWith.AI 由來自頂級科技公司和知名大學的經驗豐富的專家團隊領導,致力於創建創新的解決方案,讓學習比以往任何時候都更具吸引力、更高效、更有趣。

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