
TDS Telecom Hits Expansion Market Milestone, Exceeding 100,000 Residential Broadband Connections In Its Expansion Markets

TDS Telecom Hits Expansion Market Milestone, Exceeding 100,000 Residential Broadband Connections In Its Expansion Markets

TDS Telecom達到了擴張市場里程碑,其擴張市場中有超過100,000個住宅寬帶連接
Benzinga ·  05/03 23:24

TDS Telecommunications LLC (TDS) shared several positive developments in its first quarter earnings report. The Madison, Wisconsin-based telecommunications company delivered its strongest quarter of revenues since commencing its fiber expansion program with a 5% increase in total operating revenues, along with an increase in profitability in the quarter. The company also reached a major milestone: exceeding 100,000 residential broadband connections in its expansion markets. TDS Telecom added 28,000 marketable fiber service addresses this quarter and is on track to reaching its goal of 125,000 for the year. Total service addresses grew 12% year over year.

TDS電信有限責任公司(TDS)在其第一季度業績中分享了幾項積極進展。這家總部位於威斯康星州麥迪遜的電信公司實現了自啓動光纖擴張計劃以來最強勁的季度收入,總營業收入增長了5%,該季度的盈利能力也有所提高。該公司還達到了一個重要的里程碑:其擴張市場中有超過100,000個住宅寬帶連接。TDS Telecom本季度增加了28,000個可銷售的光纖服務地址,並有望實現其今年12.5萬個的目標。服務地址總數同比增長12%。

"Our fiber strategy is working," said Senior Vice President of Finance and CFO Michelle Brukwicki. "For the past several years, we've made significant investments in our fiber program and these broadband investments are now driving meaningful results."


TDS Telecom is making progress on its long-term operational goals as well. The company is targeting 1.2 million marketable fiber service addresses; it ended the quarter with 827,000. It is also targeting 60% of total service addresses to be served with fiber; it ended the quarter with 49%. And the company plans to offer speeds of 1 Gig or higher to at least 80% of its footprint; it finished the quarter with 73% at Gig speeds.

TDS Telecom在實現其長期運營目標方面也取得了進展。該公司的目標是120萬個可銷售的光纖服務地址;本季度末的目標是827,000個。它還計劃將總服務地址的60%由光纖提供服務;本季度末的目標爲49%。該公司計劃爲其至少80%的佔地面積提供1 Gig或更高的速度;在本季度末,其Gig速度爲73%。

"We are progressing in growing fiber in not only our expansion markets, but we're also fibering up our incumbent markets," said Brukwicki. "At the end of the quarter, 44% of our incumbent markets were served with fiber. Even more fiber will be built into these markets in the next several years due to TDS' participation in the federal Enhanced A-CAM program."


The company's growing fiber footprint is increasing the availability of faster internet speeds. Demand for higher broadband speeds is increasing with 78% of customers taking 100 Mbps or greater, up from 72% a year ago. Customer take rates on our highest speeds are growing with 17% of TDS' customer base on 1 Gig or higher.

該公司不斷增長的光纖覆蓋範圍正在增加更快的互聯網速度的可用性。對更高寬帶速度的需求正在增加,78%的客戶使用100 Mbps或更高的速度,高於去年同期的72%。我們最高速度的客戶接入率正在增長,TDS 17% 的客戶群爲 1 Gig 或更高。

The company delivered 6% growth in residential broadband connections year-over-year with 6,400 residential broadband net adds in the quarter. As a result of increases in broadband connections and revenue per user, TDS saw a 10% increase in total residential revenue.


"We are confident in our plans for both top and bottom-line growth this year through increasing our fiber penetrations and effective cost management," said Brukwicki. "In addition, we are committed to pace capital spending this year in line with profitability."


