
港股异动 | 阜博集团(03738)现涨超10% AI语料重要性凸显 公司积极开发数字内容版权技术

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Fubo Group (03738) is now up more than 10%. The importance of AI corpus highlights the company's active development of digital content copyright technology

Zhitong Finance ·  May 2 10:43

Fubo Group (03738) is now up more than 10%. As of press release, it has risen 10.14% to HK$1.52, with a turnover of HK$4.5892 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Fubo Group (03738) is now up more than 10%. As of press release, it has risen 10.14% to HK$1.52, with a turnover of HK$4.5892 million.

Guojin Securities recently released a research report stating that with the continuous improvement of domestic copyright protection at the legislative and enforcement levels, the value of AI corpus will continue to increase. At the same time, the increasing demand for corpus under the iteration of large models further highlights the importance of corpus, and that it is more difficult to publicly obtain high-quality video corpus than text material. It is recommended to focus on the implementation of AI applications and the emergence of popular models. It is recommended to focus on continuing the iteration of AI tools, targets using AI tools, and mapping targets, IP parties, and copyright parties of popular AI tools.

Dongwu Securities previously pointed out that the company is actively laying out the AI field and cooperates with the University of Florida and other institutions to develop digital content copyright technology to cope with changes in the content production and distribution pattern. The company actively develops new products to adapt to changes in market demand, especially in the field of digital assets such as Web3, to build industry-level copyright protection and transaction infrastructure for the required enterprise platforms.

Haitong Securities, on the other hand, pointed out that in the process of generative AI unleashing creative productivity, high-quality copyright library materials are one of the cornerstones of industry development. The industrial role of the company and its major customers has not changed, and the scale of the copyright protection and monetization industry will expand rapidly as the scale of content expands rapidly and rights usage scenarios become more complex. The company actively grasps the development opportunities brought by new technology, and has made extensive forward-looking technical reserves and layouts.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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