
聚辰股份(688123):1Q24:SPD持续回暖 NOR放量加速

Juchen Co., Ltd. (688123): 1Q24: SPD continues to pick up, NOR volume accelerates

華泰證券 ·  Apr 30, 2024 00:00

1Q24: Revenue achieved the best result in the same period in history, and profitability was greatly improved. The company achieved revenue of 247 million yuan (yoy: +72.49%, qoq: +22.52%) and net profit to mother of 51 million yuan (yoy: +138.05%, qoq: +184.76%), slightly higher than the forward-looking forecast of 40 million yuan; after deducting the profit and loss from fair value changes caused by Huahong Match (-22.42 million yuan), net profit to mother was about 71 million yuan (yoy: +232.08%). The main reasons why 1Q24 revenue achieved a high year-on-month increase:

1) Shipments of industrial/automotive-grade EEPROM and voice coil motor driver chips increased rapidly year on year; 2) Memory module manufacturer inventory levels improved, and SPD product sales increased dramatically year on year; 3) NOR Flash achieved mass shipment. Due to SPD's year-on-month revenue growth, gross margin improved significantly, and 1Q24 net margin increased to 20.24%. We expect net profit to be 3.40/5.44/702 million yuan for 24/25/26. It will take some time to consider the new product release revenue. We will give 35x 24PE (comparable to the 40x 24PE expected by the company Wind 1), with a target price of 75.3 yuan, maintaining a “buy” rating.

1Q24 review: Storage/motor drive revenue both achieved month-on-month growth. The acceleration of NOR Flash volume in 24 years was accompanied by a recovery in downstream application market demand and the company's technology upgrades, and the company's main business line revenue such as EEPROM and voice coil motor driver chips all achieved month-on-month growth. It is worth noting that 1Q24512Kb-32Mb NOR Flash products have been shipped in large quantities, and 64Mb to 128Mb NOR Flash products have successfully completed streaming. 1Q24 NOR Flash has shipped more than 56 million units, accounting for nearly 70% of sales in a single quarter. Thanks to rapid year-on-year growth in SPD and automotive-grade EEPROM product sales, 1Q24 gross profit margin was 54.62% (yoy: +7.11pct, qoq: +7.03pct). In terms of expenses, 1Q24's R&D expenses were 39 million yuan, and the R&D expenses rate decreased by 8.34/6.21pct to 15.8%, respectively, compared with the same period last month. As of the end of 1Q24, the company's inventory was 219 million yuan, down 06 million yuan from the end of 23, and the number of inventory turnover days (178 days) had fallen back to the level of the end of '22 (174 days).

2024 outlook: SPD shipments have resumed high growth, focusing on the competitive advantage of NOR process platforms. SPD product sales have clearly picked up since December last year, which has been verified in the past two quarterly results. Looking ahead to 24 years, DDR5 is expected to accelerate penetration, and SPD will continue to grow at a high level, driving the company's gross margin to maintain a high level. In terms of new products, NOR Flash products are expected to use the advantages of the NORD process to achieve a continuous increase in market share and brand influence; the company actively expands into overseas markets such as Europe, South Korea, and Japan, and maintains close cooperation with mainstream domestic and foreign automobile manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers, and the annual sales volume of automotive EEPROM is expected to increase significantly. Furthermore, some OIS voice coil motor driver chips have been tested and verified by smartphone manufacturers, and it is expected that they will be launched one after another this year.

Investment suggestion: The target price is 75.3 yuan, maintaining a “buy” rating. The company's downstream application demand has fully recovered, and the NOR FLASH business ushered in an important breakthrough. We expect the company's net profit to be 3.40/5.44/702 million yuan respectively in 24/25/26, giving 35x 24PE (comparable company Wind agreed to expect 40x 24PE), target price 75.3 yuan to maintain the “buy” rating.

Risk warning: DDR5 penetration falls short of expectations, market competition intensifies, and new product promotion falls short of expectations.

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