
王府井(600859):非均衡式复苏延续 免税业态增速明显

Wangfujing (600859): Unbalanced recovery continues the duty-free business growth rate is obvious

國聯證券 ·  May 1, 2024 08:56


The company released its report for the first quarter of 2024. 24Q1 achieved revenue of 3.31 billion yuan, -1.7% year over year; net profit to mother was 200 million yuan, -10.9% year on year, net profit after deducting non-return to mother was 190 million yuan, -13.7% year over year.

The unbalanced recovery continued, and the company's revenue declined year-on-year

In the first quarter of 2024, the size of the consumer market rebounded, but the recovery in the business format continued unevenly, and service consumption was significantly better than commodity consumption. Looking at the company's operations, in terms of tax, the 24Q1 outlet (revenue up 9.5% year over year) and shopping malls (revenue up 3.5% year over year) business is still growing, and the repair speed is significantly faster than department stores (revenue down 11.3% year on year) and supermarkets (revenue down 31.1% year on year); in terms of duty-free business, the outlying islands of 24Q1's outlying island stores, Wangfujing International Duty Free Port, all reached record highs. The passenger flow increased 33% year on year. Correspondence, the duty-free business achieved revenue growth of 120 million yuan, accounting for a 3.7% increase in the company's revenue ratio.

Both gross profit margin and net profit margin have declined, and profitability is under pressure

The gross margin of the 24Q1 company was 41.2%, down 1.6 pct from the previous year. Although the pressure on gross margin of the taxable business was obvious, along with the continuous development of the business, the gross margin of the duty-free business was 18.0%, an increase of 3.4 pct over the previous year. The company's expense ratio was properly controlled during the same period. The sales expense ratio, management expense ratio, and financial expense ratio were 13.3%, 15.2%, and 0.5%, respectively. The sales expense ratio and management expenses increased by 0.1 pct/1.2 pct year on year, respectively, but the financial expense ratio decreased by 1.8 pct year on year. Overall, since the company's new business format and new stores are still in the cultivation period, the revenue increase is not enough to cover relatively fixed costs and expenses. In addition, high-rent projects with long leases are greatly affected by the new leasing guidelines in the early stages of leasing, and there is still some pressure on the company's profits. In 24Q1, the company's net profit margin was 6.1%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.6 pct.

Profit Forecasts, Valuations, and Ratings

We expect the company's revenue for 2024-26 to be 134.4/145.7/15.37 billion yuan, respectively, with year-on-year growth rates of 9.9%/8.4%/5.5%, net profit to mother of 8.6/10.9/1.28 billion yuan, year-on-year growth rates of 20.5%/27.2%/17.2%, EPS 0.8/1.0/1.1 yuan/share, respectively, and a 3-year CAGR of 21.6%.

In view of the company's firm commitment to the development of multiple business formats and the continuous development of the duty-free business, we are optimistic that the company will continue to grow. According to the Segment Valuation Act, the company will be given 25 times PE in 24 years, with a target price of 18.83 yuan, maintaining an “gain” rating.

Risk warning: Economic growth is slowing; consumption recovery falls short of expectations; tax exemption progress falls short of expected risk.

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