

Zhongan Online (06060) plans to spend about 1,436.6 billion yuan to acquire properties in the Shanghai Bund Central Business District

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 30 19:28

Zhongan Online (06060) announced that on April 30, 2024, the company plans to Shanghai Rockefeller Group Bund...

Zhitong Finance App News, Zhongan Online (06060) announced that on April 30, 2024, the company plans to acquire such properties from Shanghai Rockefeller Group Bund Source Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd., at a total cost of approximately RMB 1,4366 billion.

According to reports, Property 1 is the total saleable area on the ground in the “Locke Bund Source” project at No. 219 ****yuan Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China, with a total floor area of 6,563.47 square meters. Property 2 is the total saleable area of the 27 new buildings built in the “Rock Bund Source” project at No. 108, 118 and 122, Beijing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China, with a total construction area of 9,380.51 square meters.

According to the announcement, these properties are located in the central business district of the Bund in Shanghai. They are landmark buildings on the Bund and are scarce. Currently, Huangpu District of Shanghai is focusing on building a fintech ecosystem to promote the agglomeration and development of the fintech industry. Through this acquisition, strategic cooperation with territorial governments will be further strengthened to create a representative and exemplary world-class fintech hub. This acquisition can reduce the company's leasing costs and will have a beneficial impact on reducing the company's overall costs.

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