
Jumo Health to Lead a Roundtable Discussion on Authenticity and the Patient Voice at the Annual Health Equity in Clinical Trials Congress

Jumo Health to Lead a Roundtable Discussion on Authenticity and the Patient Voice at the Annual Health Equity in Clinical Trials Congress

Jumo Health將在年度臨床試驗健康公平大會上主持關於真實性和患者聲音的圓桌討論
PR Newswire ·  04/29 21:52

NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jumo Health—a global provider of age-appropriate, culturally relevant medical education—today announced that Kevin Aniskovich, the Company's President and CEO, will be moderating a roundtable discussion, "Why Authenticity and the Patient Voice is Critical When Driving Diversity in Clinical Trials" at the Health Equity in Clinical Trials Congress.

康涅狄格州紐黑文,2024年4月29日 /PRNewswire/--提供適合年齡、具有文化相關性的全球醫學教育提供商Jumo Health今天宣佈,公司總裁兼首席執行官凱文·阿尼斯科維奇將在臨床試驗健康公平大會上主持題爲 “爲什麼真實性和患者聲音在推動臨床試驗多樣性時至關重要” 的圓桌討論。

"We're proud to lead this round table because health equity... is an essential component to our service offering"

“我們很自豪能夠主持本次圓桌會議,因爲健康公平... 是我們提供的服務的重要組成部分”

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Kevin Aniskovich, President and CEO of Jumo Health
Jumo Health 總裁兼首席執行官凱文·阿尼斯科維奇

"While there has been much discussion on increasing participation among traditionally under-represented communities in clinical research, we continue to witness the same tactics deployed in-market and hoping for a different outcome," shared Aniskovich. "At Jumo Health, we believe education is the cornerstone of a patient's clinical trial success. Through local community input, we focus on elevating health literacy by sharing patient stories to ensure our materials are authentic and relatable, address the social determinants of health, and increase participation in clinical trials. We are proud to lead this round table because to us, health equity is more than a topic of discussion, it is an essential component to our service offering and why we're trusted by the world's largest companies," concluded Aniskovich.

阿尼斯科維奇表示:“儘管關於增加傳統上代表性不足的社區參與臨床研究的討論很多,但我們繼續目睹市場上採用的相同策略,並希望取得不同的結果。”“在Jumo Health,我們認爲教育是患者臨床試驗成功的基石。通過當地社區的意見,我們專注於通過分享患者故事來提高健康素養,以確保我們的材料真實可信,解決健康的社會決定因素,並增加臨床試驗的參與度。我們很自豪能夠領導這次圓桌會議,因爲對我們來說,健康公平不僅僅是一個討論的話題,它是我們提供的服務的重要組成部分,也是我們受到全球最大公司信任的原因,” 阿尼斯科維奇總結道。

The Health Equity in Clinical Trials Congress will be held in Atlanta, Georgia on May 8-9, 2024. This event provides a platform for a collaborative discussion among pharmaceutical, biotech and various service providers to share current thinking around strategies to improve access to clinical trials.


The roundtable discussion will allow patient advocates, community activists, and pharmaceutical clients to share their success stories on how their study teams are implementing diversity initiatives to improve recruitment and retention. Panelists will also discuss the importance of activating local community members to help build trust. The roundtable will include the following individuals:


  • Kevin Aniskovich, President & CEO, Jumo Health
  • Tony Wafford, President & CEO, I Choose Life Foundation
  • LaToya Bolds-Johnson, Patient Advocate
  • Erika Heiges, Associate Director, Engagement Strategy Lead, Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • Gwenn Oakes, Director, Global Trial Optimization, Merck & Co.
  • 凱文·阿尼斯科維奇,Jumo Health 總裁兼首席執行官
  • 託尼·沃福德,我選擇生命基金會總裁兼首席執行官
  • 拉託亞·博爾德斯-約翰遜,患者權益倡導者
  • 埃裏卡·海格斯,百時美施貴寶副董事兼參與策略負責人
  • 格溫·奧克斯,默沙東公司全球試驗優化總監

In addition, the Congress will feature speakers from top pharmaceutical and biotech companies who will share their unique perspectives and experiences on how to make clinical trials more accessible to people of all communities. To view the agenda and register for the Second Annual Health Equity in Clinical Trials Congress, visit


To learn how Jumo Health is pioneering diversity in clinical trials through a focus on health literacy and sharing real patient experiences through authentic storytelling, visit to schedule a time to speak with a representative about your trial needs.

要了解Jumo Health如何通過注重健康知識和通過真實的故事分享真實的患者體驗來開創臨床試驗的多樣性,請訪問,安排時間與代表討論您的試驗需求。

About Jumo Health
Jumo Health develops age-appropriate, culturally relevant, and relatable educational resources for patients and caregivers. We have experience serving diverse populations, covering more than 160 health topics across 80+ countries in 120+ languages. Our various digital, video, and print offerings use highly visual elements and research-supported health literacy strategies to ensure that everyone can understand and act upon complex medical information. We do this through familiar mediums—from comic books and animation, to virtual reality experiences and authentic documentary-style patient stories—all customized based on audience. Jumo Health collaborates globally with more than 180 advocacy groups and community organizations to promote access and to ensure unique patient experiences are accurately represented.

關於 Jumo Health
Jumo Health 爲患者和護理人員開發適合年齡、與文化相關且相關的教育資源。我們擁有爲不同人群提供服務的經驗,以 120 多種語言涵蓋了 80 多個國家/地區的 160 多個健康主題。我們的各種數字、視頻和印刷產品使用高度可視化的元素和研究支持的健康素養策略,以確保每個人都能理解複雜的醫療信息並據此採取行動。我們通過熟悉的媒介來做到這一點,從漫畫書和動畫到虛擬現實體驗和真實的紀錄片風格的患者故事,所有這些都是根據受衆量身定製的。Jumo Health在全球範圍內與180多個倡導團體和社區組織合作,以促進獲得服務並確保準確呈現獨特的患者體驗。

Media Contact
Dani Himelright
[email protected]
+1 (614) 284-6804

Dani Himelright
+1 (614) 284-6804

SOURCE Jumo Health

來源 Jumo Health

