

The latest foreign public offering positions revealed! BlackRock and Fidelity take heavy positions in CNOOC

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 28 14:00
Following the disclosure of the quarterly report, the holdings of public funds owned by many international asset management giants, such as BlackRock, Fidelity, and Lubomai, were revealed one after another. Entering 2024, the foreign-funded public offering product line is gradually being improved. Schroder Foundation and Lianbo Fund both released their first equity products during the year, and the product matrices of BlackRock Fund, Fidelity Fund, and Lubomai Fund are constantly expanding. Up to now, BlackRock Fund has released 8 products, Fidelity Fund has released 4 products, Lubomai Fund has released 5 products, Schroder Fund has released 2 products, and Lianbo Fund has also released 1 product. From an industry perspective, the focus of foreign public offering positions in the first quarter was on energy, technology, pharmaceuticals, etc. From the perspective of individual stocks, stocks such as CNOOC are loved by foreign public offerings. Looking ahead to the future market, foreign public offerings are optimistic about the relative resilience shown by A-shares and believe that policies should be closely tracked and observed in the second quarter.

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