

Tianfeng Securities released a research report on April 28 stating that it gave Jiayi shares (301004.SZ) a purchase rating. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) the company released its 2024 quarterly report; 2) structural optimization, production

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 28 10:30
Tianfeng Securities released a research report on April 28 stating that it gave Jiayi shares (301004.SZ) a purchase rating. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) the company released its 2024 quarterly report; 2) structural optimization, production efficiency, and steady improvement in profitability; 3) thermos cups are gradually changing from “functional” products to “consumer” products. The segmentation of scenarios promotes the segmentation of products in terms of capacity, volume, and material; 4) the global layout of production capacity and continuous improvement in order response capacity. (Mainichi Keizai Shimbun)

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