
港股异动 | 海信家电(00921)涨超7% 一季度归母净利润9.81亿元 同比增加59.48%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Hisense Home Appliances (00921) rose more than 7%, net profit of 981 million yuan in the first quarter increased 59.48% year on year

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 25 09:36

Hisense Home Appliances (00921) rose more than 7% to 7.17% to HK$30.65, with a turnover of HK$11.48 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Hisense Home Appliances (00921) rose more than 7% to 7.17% to HK$30.65, with a turnover of HK$11.48 million.

According to the news, the results for the first quarter of 2024 were announced. The group achieved operating income of 23.486 billion yuan (RMB, same below) during the period, an increase of 20.87% over the previous year; net profit to mother was 981 million yuan, an increase of 59.48% over the previous year; and basic income per share was 0.72 yuan.

Guoxin Securities released a research report stating that in Q1, China's domestic e-commerce sales continued to recover, and the export sales boom increased. Listed home appliance companies are expected to operate steadily and improve in Q1. Overall revenue will continue to grow by double digits, and profits will improve slightly. By sector, the export sales of Baidian Q1 are booming, domestic sales of air conditioners are growing rapidly, and cold washing is growing steadily; due to the impact of real estate, traditional kitchen appliances are expected to be sold steadily; domestic sales of small kitchen appliances still need to recover, but export sales have been actively improved. Q1 for cleaning and household appliances continues to recover actively, and demand for sweepers is picking up with new product upgrades without price increases; the lighting and parts sector is experiencing a steady recovery along with business expansion and export demand.

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