
Treatment Patch For Schizophrenia: Newly Listed Alto Neuroscience Is Uniquely Positioned In Neuropsychiatry Landscape

Treatment Patch For Schizophrenia: Newly Listed Alto Neuroscience Is Uniquely Positioned In Neuropsychiatry Landscape

精神分裂症治療補丁:新上市的Alto Neuroscience在神經精神病學領域具有獨特的地位
Benzinga ·  04/24 02:55

Recently listed Alto Neuroscience Inc (NYSE:ANRO) released results from its healthy volunteer Phase 1 study of ALTO-101, a novel PDE4 inhibitor in development for cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia (CIAS).

最近上市的Alto Neuroscience Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:ANRO)公佈了其健康志願者1期研究的結果,ALTO-101 是一種針對與精神分裂症(CIAS)相關的認知障礙(CIAS)開發的新型PDE4抑制劑。

Results from the study demonstrated favorable tolerability and improved pharmacokinetics of ALTO-101 when administered via a transdermal delivery system (TDS or a patch) compared to oral administration.

該研究結果表明,與口服相比,通過透皮給藥系統(TDS 或貼劑)給藥時,ALTO-101 具有良好的耐受性和更好的藥代動力學。

The drug exposure levels achieved with the transdermal formulation were significantly greater than systemic exposure with oral administration while also reducing typical class-wide adverse events.


The company plans to initiate a proof-of-concept study evaluating ALTO-101 in patients with CIAS in the first half of 2024, with topline data expected in the second half of 2025.

該公司計劃在 2024 年上半年啓動一項概念驗證研究,評估 CIAS 患者的 ALTO-101 情況,預計將在 2025 年下半年公佈頭條數據。

ALTO-101 delivered transdermally resulted in significantly higher and consistent drug concentrations compared to oral administration:

與口服給藥相比,透皮給藥的 ALTO-101 可顯著提高和穩定的藥物濃度:

  • Area under the curve (AUC) was 62% and 170% higher on day 1 and day 2, respectively, for the transdermal formulation relative to oral administration (day 1 p=0.01; day 2 p<0.001).
  • The maximum concentration (Cmax.) on day 2 of the transdermal dosing was similar to the Cmax of 1mg of orally administered ALTO-101 (27.9 ng/mL for TDS vs. 30.1 ng/mL oral).
  • Plasma concentrations for the transdermal formulation remained stable throughout the 24 hours of dosing on day 2.
  • ALTO-101 delivered transdermally resulted in substantially lower class-related adverse events typically associated with PDE4 inhibitors.
  • All adverse events reported in the study were mild, with no reported serious adverse events.
  • The transdermal formulation demonstrated favorable adhesion properties, and no application site reactions led to patch removal or intolerance.
  • 與口服給藥相比,透皮製劑的曲線下方面積(AUC)在第1天和第2天分別增加了62%和170%(第1天p=0.01;第2天p
  • 透皮給藥第二天的最大濃度(Cmax.)與口服 ALTO-101 的 1 毫克最大濃度(TDS 爲 27.9 ng/mL,口服 30.1 ng/mL)類似。
  • 在第 2 天給藥的 24 小時內,透皮製劑的血漿濃度保持穩定。
  • 經皮傳遞的 ALTO-101 導致的與類別相關的不良事件要低得多,通常與 PDE4 抑制劑有關。
  • 該研究中報告的所有不良事件均爲輕微不良事件,未報告嚴重不良事件。
  • 該透皮配方表現出良好的粘附性能,且應用部位沒有反應導致貼片去除或不耐受。

Upon achieving the pharmacokinetic profile for ALTO-101, MEDRx is eligible to receive a milestone payment of $1.5 million from Alto in cash and stock.

在獲得 ALTO-101 的藥代動力學特徵後,MedRx 有資格獲得來自 Alto 的 150 萬美元現金和股票的里程碑式付款。

William Blair views the update as an incremental positive as the company addresses otherwise likely development-limiting tolerability issues from one of its earlier stage programs. The analyst reiterates the Outperform rating on Alto.


Alto is in the early stages but is uniquely positioned in the neuropsychiatry drug development landscape with a positively biased risk/reward profile at current trading levels.


Data from this trial could de-risk Alto's Precision Psychiatry Platform approach with the next readout leveraging EEG-based biomarkers identified by Alto Scope in the Phase IIb trial of ALTO-300 in adjunctive MDD therapy.

該試驗的數據可能會降低Alto精準精神病學平台方法的風險,下一次讀數將利用Alto Scope在輔助MDD療法 ALTO-300 的IIb期試驗中確定的基於腦電圖的生物標誌物。

Price Action: ANRO shares are up 2.13% at $13.93 at the last check Tuesday.


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