

A-share changes丨Zhifei Biotech plummeted nearly 13% to a new low of more than 4 years, and Q4 net profit fell 20.31% year on year

Gelonghui Finance ·  Apr 23 09:44
Gelonghui, April 23 | Zhifei Biotech (300122.SZ) jumped low and plummeted 12.8% to 35.06 yuan at the beginning of the session. The stock price hit a new low since January 2020. According to the financial report released by Zhifei Biotech last night, revenue in 2023 was 52,918 billion yuan, up 38.30% year on year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 8.070 billion yuan, up 7.04% year on year; and non-net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 7.915 billion yuan, up 5.40% year on year. Among them, in the fourth quarter of 2023, the main revenue for the single quarter was 13.646 billion yuan, up 30.7% year on year; net profit from the single quarter was 1.54 billion yuan, down 20.31% year on year; and the single quarter deducted non-net profit of 1,535 billion yuan, down 20.03% year on year.

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