
中际联合(605305):业绩超预期 海外市场增长亮眼

Sino-International Coalition (605305): Performance exceeds expectations, overseas markets are growing well

廣發證券 ·  Apr 22

Core views:

Full year results exceeded expectations. According to the annual report released by the company on April 12, in '23, the company achieved revenue of 1,105 billion yuan, net profit to mother of 207 million yuan, +33.33% year-on-year, net profit after deducting net profit of 176 million yuan, +38.00% year-on-year; looking at Q4 alone, the company achieved revenue of 405 million yuan, +70.48% year-on-year, net profit to mother of 88 million yuan, +281.28% year-on-year; under the scale effect, net interest rate increased significantly. 23Q4 gross profit margin was 46.21%, +0.96pct year on year, +0.80pct month on month, net profit margin 21.79%, +12.05pct year on year, and +7.55pct month on month. Profitability increased markedly.

Overseas growth is impressive. In terms of revenue composition, export revenue was 542 million yuan, +73.55% year-on-year, gross profit margin +4.36pct, domestic sales revenue of 553 million yuan, +14.99% year-on-year, gross profit margin of 31.92%, -3.31pct year on year. Overseas and domestic revenue have already opened five or five; the non-wind power industry is expanding rapidly, the wind power industry's revenue is 1,082 million yuan, +36.73% year over year. Other industries have gradually progressed in the development of other industries.

Actively expand horizontally. In the field of industrial and building lifting equipment, the company has launched products such as industrial elevators that can be used in industrial chimneys and bridges, tower cranes, and tower crawlers that can be used in limited spaces such as power towers, tower cranes, and three-dimensional storage; in the field of intelligent safety protection equipment, the company has developed products such as smart safety helmets, full-body safety belts, speed differentiators, etc.; in the field of high-altitude emergency equipment, it has developed and launched emergency escape devices suitable for civil buildings, and also developed supporting products such as fire blankets, fire suits, and gas masks.

Profit forecasting and investment advice. EPS is expected to be 1.94/2.73/3.59 yuan/share in 24-26, respectively. Taking into account factors such as space, business model, competitive barriers, and performance growth in the company's industry, overseas markets were further developed. We gave the company a PE valuation of 21 times in 24 years, corresponding to a reasonable value of 40.79 yuan/share, and maintained a “buy” rating.

Risk warning. Market competition intensified; wind power industry development fell short of expectations; uncertainty about overseas trade policies; fans were “large-scale” too fast; overseas market development fell short of expectations.

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