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Is it the right time for domestic equipment companies to go global as Europe and America are experiencing a wave of power grid updates? ·  Apr 20 21:21

The US Department of Energy released its first clean energy grid interconnection roadmap and innovative grid deployment report this week, focusing on grid optimization and upgrading. In the past 10 years, US annual grid connection requests have increased by 300% to 500%. Some areas of the European Union have reached the limit of their grid capacity, bringing the grid to a prominent political position in Europe for the first time. This week, the stock prices of multiple electrical equipment firms hit historical/range highs.

Under the process of transitioning to new energy, the demand for grid connection grows. However, looking around many regions worldwide such as Europe and the US, the outdated grid infrastructure cannot accommodate the new energy projects, thereby hindering the development of clean energy. The burning issue in the clean energy sector worldwide is the difficulty in connecting to the grid. Some areas of the European Union have reached the limit of their grid capacity, bringing the grid to a prominent political position in Europe for the first time. The US Department of Energy also released two reports this week, addressing grid optimization and upgrading.

Some areas of the European Union have reached the limit of their grid capacity, bringing the grid to a prominent political position in Europe for the first time. The US Department of Energy also released two reports this week, addressing grid optimization and upgrading.

The US has released their first clean energy grid interconnection roadmap.

The US Department of Energy recently released two documents, the Innovative Grid Deployment Launch Report and the Clean Energy Grid Interconnection Roadmap, both addressing grid optimization and upgrading.

Among these, the roadmap aims to accelerate the integration of clean energy into the national grid and clear up related backlogged projects. Industry experts pointed out that this is the first clean energy grid interconnection roadmap released by the US Department of Energy. In the past 10 years, the US has seen an annual increase of 2500 to 3000 grid connection requests, a growth rate of up to 300% to 500%. US Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm stated that "clearing up nearly 12,000 backlogged renewable projects waiting for grid connection is critical for expanding clean energy supply." The US Department of Energy said the grid connection process needs to continue to develop to handle large amounts of present and future requests. In addition, technological innovation in data collection, analysis, and software management systems has created new opportunities for the automation of grid connection processes.

US annual grid connection requests have increased by 300% to 500% over the past 10 years with an annual increase of 2500 to 3000. Clearing up nearly 12,000 backlogged renewable projects waiting for grid connection is critical for expanding clean energy supply. US Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said that solar, wind, and energy storage projects waiting for grid connection need to be cleared up. The US Department of Energy also said that the grid connection process needs to continually develop to handle the large number of present and future requests. In addition, technological innovation in data collection, analysis, and software management systems has created new opportunities for the automation of grid connection processes.

The focus of the Innovative Grid Launch Report is to "deploy key, commercial but underutilized advanced grid solutions in the existing transmission and distribution system" to promote grid modernization, upgrade infrastructure, and increase current grid capacity. When installed individually, these solutions can support a peak demand of 20GW to 100GW. The US Department of Energy said many of these technologies highlighted in the report can be deployed on the existing grid in three to five years and may be cheaper and more valuable than existing technologies and methods.

The US Department of Energy said that many technologies highlighted in the report can be deployed on the existing grid in three to five years and may be cheaper and more valuable than existing technologies and methods.

The US Department of Energy listed four categories and twenty innovative solutions to address grid optimization and upgrading.

It is worth mentioning that the California Power Company and energy agencies have applied for federal funding of $2 billion this week for grid upgrading to increase grid capacity and provide renewable energy. Governor Kathy Hochul of New York State also announced a $3.5 million grant at the beginning of April for developing grid modernization projects.

In the European Union, the power generation of renewable energy accounted for 44% in 2023, reaching a historical high, but deployment challenges also emerged, including the insufficient capacity of the grid.

Some regions of the European Union have reached the limit of their grid capacity due to insufficient expansion, aging infrastructure, and lack of flexibility.

Some regions of the European Union have reached the limit of their grid capacity due to insufficient expansion, aging infrastructure, and lack of flexibility. The core issue in the decarbonization process in Europe is the role of the grid, which has become a prominent political issue. The European Investment Bank (EIB) provided a €400 million loan to Thüringer Energie AG, a German energy company, for grid upgrading and digitization in the Thuringia region of Germany. Deputy President of the bank, Nicola Beer, stated that "the grid needs to be prepared to handle large amounts of electricity from wind and solar power."

The European Investment Bank (EIB) provided a €400 million loan to Thüringer Energie AG, a German energy company, for grid upgrading and digitization in the Thuringia region of Germany. Deputy President of the bank, Nicola Beer, stated that "the grid needs to be prepared to handle large amounts of electricity from wind and solar power."

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, affiliated with the US Department of Energy, described the issue of renewable energy projects waiting for grid connection in the US as "backlogged", "congested", and "queued" in a recent report. According to the report, there are problems with backlogged new energy generation and storage projects across the US. By the end of 2023, nearly 2600GW of generation and storage capacity will be seeking grid connection, more than double the existing US installed capacity, and over 95% of the capacity comes from clean energy projects.

According to a report by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, affiliated with the US Department of Energy, renewable energy projects waiting for grid connection in the US are described as "backlogged", "congested", and "queued". There are problems with the backlog of new energy generation and storage projects across the US. The US Department of Energy has released the first Clean Energy Grid Interconnection Roadmap.

According to a report by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, affiliated with the US Department of Energy, renewable energy projects waiting for grid connection in the US are described as "backlogged", "congested", and "queued". There are problems with the backlog of new energy generation and storage projects across the US. By the end of 2023, nearly 2600GW of generation and storage capacity will be seeking grid connection, more than double the existing US installed capacity, and over 95% of the capacity comes from clean energy projects.

By the end of 2023, nearly 2600GW of generation and storage capacity will be seeking grid connection, more than double the existing US installed capacity, and over 95% of the capacity comes from clean energy projects.

Comparison of the US's installed capacity in 2010 and 2023 with added capacity looking for grid connection by the end of 2023.

Nowadays, there is a surge in overseas wind power grid demand, which brings huge demand for grid investment. According to the research reports of gtja on April 15th, the total wind power grid connection requests of united states, spain, brazil, italy, japan, united kingdom, germany, australia, mexico, chile, india, and colombia is close to 3TW, of which 500GW are in the final stage of grid connection.

But from above, it can also be seen that the progress of grid connection in europe is slow, which has become a major problem hindering the transformation of new energy.

Analysts believe that an important reason causing the delay of grid connection is that the infrastructure of major overseas economies is old and cannot adapt to the rising renewable energy generation. At present, europe and the united states face problems such as small grid size, old infrastructure, and insufficient connection.

In the United States, according to PTR, there are more than 3500 substations in the high-voltage grid, among which more than 33% of transformers have been used for more than 50 years. AEP pointed out that within the next ten years, 30% of the expected life of existing transmission lines will reach or exceed 70 years.

In europe, according to Deloitte's estimate, 40-55% of low-voltage lines in the existing grid in 2030 will have a service life of more than 40 years.

According to gtja, the electrification of end-use sectors, distributed renewable energy, and replacement of existing grid will drive the growth of overseas grid investment. It is expected that global grid investment will increase significantly by 2030, with an average annual investment of about $500 billion from 2023 to 2030. It is estimated that the average annual investment in europe/usa/china/global will be $91.4/$118/$89.3/$487.3 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.9%/5.9%/5.9%/8.0%.

In recent years, China's electrical equipment sector has made significant progress. Shanghai Securities' report on April 17th stated that China has built the world's largest ultra-high-voltage grid, creating many world firsts in transmission technology, electrical equipment and other fields. Domestic electrical equipment companies have great potential in going global.

It is worth noting that this week, the stock prices of multiple electrical equipment companies have reached historical/range highs.

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