
港股异动 | 佐丹奴国际(00709)现跌近5% 主席刘国权近日遭罢免 郑志雯郑志亮任非执董

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Giordano International (00709) is now down nearly 5%. Chairman Liu Guoquan was recently ousted, Zheng Zhiwen, and Zheng Zhiliang as non-executive director

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 19 15:55

Giordano International (00709) is now down nearly 5%, with a cumulative decline of more than 30% during the year. As of press release, it fell 4.74% to HK$1.81, with a turnover of HK$117.25,500.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Giordano International (00709) has now fallen by nearly 5%, falling by more than 30% during the year. As of press release, it fell 4.74% to HK$1.81, with a turnover of HK$117.25,500.

According to the news, Giordano held a special shareholders' meeting at the beginning of this month to vote on seven resolutions proposed by the majority shareholder Chow Tai ?$#@$ Enterprises, all of which were passed with 66% approval. Liu Guoquan was removed from the position of director and chief executive officer. Zheng Zhiwen, the eldest daughter of Chow Tai Fu Chairman Zheng Jiachun, and his third son, Zheng Zhiliang, successfully joined the board as non-executive directors, with immediate effect.

A corporate spokesman for Chow Tai ?$#@$ said that he is full of confidence in the incoming CEO and believes he can lead Giordano to strengthen his business, fully unleash the company's benefits and potential, and seek better returns for all shareholders. At the same time, he thanked Liu Guoquan for his contributions to the company over the years and full support for the transition of the CEO and the company's business improvement and development process. Earlier, a source close to Chow Tai Fook's company revealed that he had tried to communicate with management, but did not get enough attention, and regretted the management's statement that they “had no contact with major shareholders.”

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