
大摩:予国药控股(01099)“增持”评级 目标价降至28港元

Damo: Target price for Sinopharm Holdings (01099) “increase in holdings” rating reduced to HK$28

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 19, 2024 14:28

Sinopharm Holdings (01099) has stable profit margins, and changes in business structure and efficiency improvements offset price reductions.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Morgan Stanley released a research report stating that it lowered the target price of Sinopharm Holdings (01099) by 3.4%, from HK$29 to HK$28. The company's profit forecast for 2024-2030 was lowered by 3%-6%, mainly due to lower sales and gross margin for drug distribution, but the rating still “increased”. The reasons include that the company, as a state-owned enterprise, is the only pharmaceutical dealer owned by the central government, is in a leading position among mainland drug distributors, has a national scale, and can provide a strong safety net.

Damo said that the basic assumptions about Sinopharm are based on its leadership position, continued growth, and low interest costs. Revenue and profits achieved high single-digit growth in 2024-2025, 3-5% higher than the level of China's healthcare industry. The company's financing costs are stable at or below 1% of revenue. Profit margins are also stable, and price reductions are offset by changes in business structure and efficiency improvements.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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